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Posts posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. It's Christmas, so buy this for yourself :)

    • Neck, wrist and waist adjustment // Lightweight mesh lining
    • Oversize fit // Waterproof front storage pocket
    • Waterproof front storage pocket // Heavyweight, coated ripstop nylon material construction
    • Taped and sewn seams for a watertight seal // Water-resistant
    • Brand new with tags

    **I special ordered this and its way too big on me.. Retails for $90ish... I'll take $75 or best offer.

    picture.php?albumid=406&pictureid=12843&thumb=1 picture.php?albumid=406&pictureid=12842&thumb=1

  2. Hey girl. It sucks this happened to you, but now it's hard to believe you made it at Jepps without getting HR involved, or did you?... That place is full of pervertedness!!!!

    You should have just run the dude over with your giant freaking bus and called it a day. Maybe then you could have crushed him and then see how the "he harassed me" card played out. You will run into a LOT of this kindof shit for the rest of your life... just be wise as to what you deem appropriate to report, or you will be writing up reports VERY often. ;)

  3. Good vibes sent your way....

    Your father is a very strong and inspiring man to have made it through all of this and is really fighting to stay with you all... What a trooper. It is because of people like your father who bring people together to find a cure for this kind of stuff.

    Let us know if you want to get some people together to give yourself a little break and just be with friends.. Id be happy to plan something. Take care man... Justin and I are here for you

  4. It's not one statement, that's what people are taking exception to

    It's a trend with you

    This is just the latest one

    Also, the one asking about riding your 4 year old on the back, because you want to be able to ride with Zero

    And my personal favorite, where you came on here a few weeks ago asking for babysitter recommendations from perfect strangers you've never even met in person before

    Not to mention several different threads of tease pictures, claiming you didn't realize they showed you didn't have panties on. I'm all for naked pix, just don't continually be a tease about it, to stroke your ego when you need some attention

    Zero, you seem like a pretty cool guy, but it seems apparent to me that your girl's got a LOT of growin' up to do

    I mean seriously, as soon as I read her first post, I thought "Jesus Christ, here she goes again"

    You mean until you just tried bringing yourself back up in this thread?


    huh? :dunno:

  5. And here I come to her rescue because:

    -She only rode about a mile, most of which is through an industrial park

    -The heels she's referring to are closed toed and have are only about an inch and a half and are wide, not 6 inch stilettos

    -She was riding my WR so if drops it because she "slips", who cares, it's not going to hurt it.

    -JulieJulieJulie is a BitchBitchBitch who obviously needs to get LaidLaidLaid

    -She's 5'10", she can certainly get her feet firmly planted

    -She still had a helmet, jacket, and gloves on, so if she falls over and breaks an ankle at least she'll live to post about about it and then all you perfect omnipotent people can say I told you so

    That is all. Carry on

    :lol: ..... all this is coming from a guy whose girlfriend posts nude pics of herself to get attention. I might be mistaken, but it seems to me like you are the one that needs a little fuck and rally.

  6. Exactly! I can't believe all the rude, & serious people that posted comments about one comment and turn it into such feakin drama. I think we all know how to keep ourself safe and protected. I maybe new to this... but I sure didn't join to deal with all that each time a post is made. If this is how this site is used, then I guess I might have to think again.

    Damn, lighten up people. women can't even joke around.

    Someone needs to do their homework before making such a comment...

  7. IBTL

    Dunno... a little analysis (I do that)

    Zappos on line lists 113 ladies motorcycle shoes.

    Except for the Uggs things, most are rugged footwear.

    Granted most rugged footwear look like Harley boots.

    (11.5%) 13 are Flat : no heel

    (51.3%) 58 are Low : 5/8" to 1-1/4" heels

    (30.9%) 35 are Mid : 1-1/2 to 2-1/2" heels

    (6.2%) 7 are High : 2-3/4" or higher heels

    Heels on ladies shoes are popular, including motorcycle shoes.

    Again, granted that the very tall shoes are probably better for passenger.

    But if it allows getting both feet flat on the ground, it's probably a good idea.

    Otherwise, it is a matter of style and taste in footwear.

    I can't believe we're talking about shoes again...

    edit: note that I wear combat boots, not boy racer boots... and quit looking at my feet...

    Good stats Recon, but I guess this isn't entirely about the "heels". You and I BOTH know that she wasn't refering to "combat boot style" heels........ that was just the opener for "look at me.. im ALMOST going to show my boobs, but just kidding......... im not" thread.

  8. :lol: You really do have claws, all this time I thought you were sweet and innocent.

    im just tired of the bullshit that comes from some of these girls. some of these girls thinking that riding a motorcycle with heals on is soooooooooo cool. Seriously, I know for a fact thats not the first thing thats been between your legs while wearing heals, and surely not the last. We don't need to hear about it. (or see pictures)

  9. Yep you girls go.... You're proving nothing but ignorance. Notice no experienced female riders are supporting you. Two newbs claiming awesomeness, what happens when you get cut off or lose balance .. anything that requires a foot down in a hurry you will be totally screwed because those heels are gonna slide right out from under you. Even a totally routine stop at a light and a foot down in an oil spot or water spot from a cars AC and you'll be on the ground. How stupid can you be, but hey its your bike and your body. I promise you my wife wont be anywhere near her bike in heels, but then again she has a brain and nothing to prove.

    +1. @ 1000rrrider

    And to the ladies trying to be cute .... Stop being fucking attention whores and reconsider why you ride a bike in the first place. From what I am picking up over the past year, the only reason you are even on a bike sarah is for fucking attention. Pull your big girl pants up, put your shirt back on, put your camera away, put some real boots on before you become the butt of another joke on the board. Grow up and start being a positive representation of women... not a fucking dumbass.

  10. Just finished this yesterday. My first one. My grandpa was a B-17 pilot in WW2 and I'm headed to pilot training when I graduate so I thought it was pretty appropriate. Let me know what you think.

    Coming from a fellow pilot... I LOVE IT! You should follow up that tattoo with some sexy nose art to keep the theme going. Good luck with training. Study your ass off and pay attention to your instructors and you'll do ok.

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