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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. :penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis:
  2. :penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis: i miss you!
  3. :lol: nice.. i hope he reads this.
  4. "Rise up this morning...smiled with the rising sun!" ;)

  5. 9 days and i'll be a big kid ;)

  6. ah bummer.. i work til 7... thanks for the invite though. keep me in mind in the future. be good

  7. Another JJJ?! Welcome :)

  8. are you going to QS&L tonight?

  9. Are you making fun of my little bike??!?!?! ;)

  10. can you get on OR at work?

  11. Definitely!! Want to meet around 730ish?

  12. doin a little stalking...

  13. dude... you cracked me up.. thanks! lol

  14. ew jerk... dont talk about my bf like that....

    where have you been?? Just using this place for your bike huh? jerk :(

  15. ew......... your avatar is scary :(

  16. goofy?! :lol: I think it's safe to say that we are ALL a little goofy around this place. Pottery is awesome. I have a few friends that throw, one being my old college roommate... so I got to try it. Not enough patience to come up with anything worthwhile :D Have fun!! Hope the weather holds out for ya

  17. guns a blazin!

    nom nom nom........

  18. haha! I wanted black.... but im actually really happy with the blue.

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