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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. Hey hey! Thanks for the invite! I hate that this is the on day of the week that I'm completely slammed :( Have fun and be safe!

  2. yeah i might try to talk him in to going.. ;)

    Plus i want to watch the Steelers :D

  3. hey dude! yeah maybe.. its hot as balls out there.... ;)

  4. Hi :D I think we will probably be there somewhere between 7-730ish..... Sound good?

  5. We are going to go to hooters then head downtown to my friends cd release party and live music... we were thinking of the festival tomorrow. :D

  6. Definitely!! Want to meet around 730ish?

  7. hahahah STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. :lol: nice.. i hope he reads this.
  9. he goes back in to give blow jobs to these "high up people"... dont let him fool you... he's gay.

  10. mmmmmmmmm ice cream?!?! I think my decision has been made. :D I can always count on you, Recon!!

  11. Thats awesome! I literally just got an invite to a poker run supporting a friend of mine riding in Pelotonia on that same day. I dunno what to do!! :dunno: You guys would be way more fun to ride with!! (as always)

  12. lol you are such a weirdo.. i loves it!

  13. goofy?! :lol: I think it's safe to say that we are ALL a little goofy around this place. Pottery is awesome. I have a few friends that throw, one being my old college roommate... so I got to try it. Not enough patience to come up with anything worthwhile :D Have fun!! Hope the weather holds out for ya

  14. Wow cool links!! Kept me busy through the wee hours :D Hope you had a nice weekend!

  15. Hey Mark! Sorry I missed your msg. You need to email casper and tell him to change your settings. Will you be out at any bike nights this week? I'll probably only make it to W&R on Thursday. See ya there?

  16. Hey girl! how's everything going? Are you going to come to any bike nights this week? Try for Thursday at wings and rings... it is the most fun and best Ohio Riders turnout :D

  17. doin a little stalking...

  18. yeah so, I guess I'll take it as a compliment :)

    We were taking a break from riding and of course, they were trying to convince some picture taking and other "stuff" in the cornfields... dirty boys! and yes im short.... 5'1"

    Do you guys think you will go to Heinz again this year? If you do, count me in, k? ;)

  19. NICE!! That will be a fun trip.

    Yeah that's why.. I didn't know if that was supposed to be a good thing or bad... Being that im 27 and she's probably 16. :eek:

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