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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. yeah he is smart.... he doesnt like men! :D You'd never know he is 6 years old... such a baby!

  2. yeah so, I guess I'll take it as a compliment :)

    We were taking a break from riding and of course, they were trying to convince some picture taking and other "stuff" in the cornfields... dirty boys! and yes im short.... 5'1"

    Do you guys think you will go to Heinz again this year? If you do, count me in, k? ;)

  3. YAY FOR KAYAKING!!!! :) Cant wait til spring to paddle with you guys :D

  4. I'm not gonna lie, that was by far my scariest motorcycle experience to date! I wish we got a picture too... lord knows im NEVER doing that again ;)

  5. doin a little stalking...

  6. Hey hey! Thanks for the invite! I hate that this is the on day of the week that I'm completely slammed :( Have fun and be safe!

  7. not much... Just eating some pizza and drinking a Gin and Tonic lol

  8. the 2fiddy is for sale and i want to get a cbr1000 like justins.... im hooked on it

  9. maybe cuz its taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaruuuuuuuuuuue!! and you gave it to me ;)

  10. mostly all by my lonesome :(..... i only know a couple other ppl with bikes, but im still pretty novice so i dont want to slow anyone down. I have fun solo though :)

  11. Thats awesome! I literally just got an invite to a poker run supporting a friend of mine riding in Pelotonia on that same day. I dunno what to do!! :dunno: You guys would be way more fun to ride with!! (as always)

  12. Hey hey! Thank ya ;) I will most def be calling you sometime. I don't have my license yet, but I'll have it by the end of the month...

    How was last night?

  13. mmmmmmmmm ice cream?!?! I think my decision has been made. :D I can always count on you, Recon!!

  14. i neeed some fried pickles! nom nom nom....

  15. he goes back in to give blow jobs to these "high up people"... dont let him fool you... he's gay.

  16. :lol: nice.. i hope he reads this.
  17. hahahah STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Omggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmao!!!

  19. So i rode justin's 1000rr....... AWESOME!! I loved the seating position and the fact that it has a bigger front end and it seems to be lighter then the 600rr. I'm ready to cash in the 250 FOR SURE now :D

    Have you heard back from the place you interviewed with?

  20. :penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis:
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