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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. Hello hello! Don't mind cypress... he's a regular "leg humper" ;)

  2. i bleed black and gold ;) I was raised right. Do you guys ever ride out to any games? You were almost on my shit list, but you might have made it off..

  3. yeah i only have one pole and limited tackle. you have a license? i wouldnt fish on that water w/out it...

    Soooo... does this mean you are going?! :) :) :)

  4. hey do you have any paper towels i can borrow? I hear you are the man to ask ;)

  5. I'm not gonna lie, that was by far my scariest motorcycle experience to date! I wish we got a picture too... lord knows im NEVER doing that again ;)

  6. no. I work 7pm-7am... then i can't sleep during the day.......

  7. are you going to QS&L tonight?

  8. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer plunk. I would own you³

  9. you get your tickets to the show? I'll be there tomorrow night... suns out guns out! ;)

    I hope you can make it!

  10. Nice work... FRIEND!! I didnt see the picture, but I'll look it up. Spaceweather.com = good stuff. Since you were in FL, how many launches did you see in person?

  11. You need to change your profile picture to show some Cypress lovin ;)

  12. Hey Recon - Check out this site... I know you are into flying things, so I figured you would appreciate it as much as I do :)


    The ISS normally has the best mag, so easiest to see. Tonight I watched the ISS pass at 2307 and it was dead on... amazing!

    The STS-127 and the ISS are going to hook up sometime this month. I guess you can clearly see them in formation. Might be cool to get a group ride out somewhere with little light polution to check this out. It's really incredible how dead on the timing, alts, and mags are. :)

  13. hey girl!!! Fun hangin out the other night :) you are awesome! Will you be out this week?

  14. hey i put up some pics on my profile...

  15. 9 days and i'll be a big kid ;)

  16. i'll meet you there... not riding my bike. it's too far on the back roads. I cant wait to get my endorsement.... nxt week!!!!

  17. guns a blazin!

    nom nom nom........

  18. what up gangsta? How is it pimpin on dat mini? Jordan showed me pics of it... pretty slick!!

  19. Omggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lmao!!!

  20. i neeed some fried pickles! nom nom nom....

  21. maybe cuz its taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaruuuuuuuuuuue!! and you gave it to me ;)

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