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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. Thanks!! you too!! See you next time ;)

  2. "Rise up this morning...smiled with the rising sun!" ;)

  3. yikes! Glad you are ok!!!

  4. i was jk.. do tell though ;) I have a couple hrs to kill at work and need some kind of entertainment.

  5. Are you making fun of my little bike??!?!?! ;)

  6. mwahahahahaha................... that wouuld be hilarious to do that on the 250... lol maybe i'll paint the plane like that

  7. shoulda kept it.... :(

    Im really into flying................ maybe i'll steal your idea someday ;)

  8. really?! What a bummer!! What made you pick that paint?

  9. mostly all by my lonesome :(..... i only know a couple other ppl with bikes, but im still pretty novice so i dont want to slow anyone down. I have fun solo though :)

  10. Hey hey! Thank ya ;) I will most def be calling you sometime. I don't have my license yet, but I'll have it by the end of the month...

    How was last night?

  11. dude... you cracked me up.. thanks! lol

  12. ah bummer.. i work til 7... thanks for the invite though. keep me in mind in the future. be good

  13. im actually surprised you know what olympic weightlifting is... or do you?

  14. Thanks, Pauly... it has been a nice welcome by everyone! My bike is definitely a blast!

    Your picture is hilarious!

  15. haha! I wanted black.... but im actually really happy with the blue.

  16. Yeah my screen name is pretty creative, huh.. i did it out of frustration a year ago (pre-bike times) and its the only thing that i could get approved.

    Olympic Weightlifting... yes sir!! :)

  17. Hey Jerm! Thanks for the cozy welcome.

  18. Hey Bret! Don't ask Travis any questions... whatever he says is a lie.

    I just moved out to New Albany a few months ago. Where do you live?

  19. Hey Travis.... Its Julie! I finally got a bike ;)

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