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Status Updates posted by juliejuliejulie

  1. hey dude! yeah maybe.. its hot as balls out there.... ;)

  2. what up gangsta? How is it pimpin on dat mini? Jordan showed me pics of it... pretty slick!!

  3. ew......... your avatar is scary :(

  4. We are going to go to hooters then head downtown to my friends cd release party and live music... we were thinking of the festival tomorrow. :D

  5. guns a blazin!

    nom nom nom........

  6. Hi :D I think we will probably be there somewhere between 7-730ish..... Sound good?

  7. Hey Stranger!! Things are going pretty well... ups and downs, but mostly UP!! What's new with you? Have you found a job yet?

    I stopped looking for a 600... I have my bike up for sale and hopefully I'll save up the rest of what I need for a new bike in the spring. We'll see though... I'm not in a huge rush. I'm sorta attached to my bike :D

  8. really?! What a bummer!! What made you pick that paint?

  9. shoulda kept it.... :(

    Im really into flying................ maybe i'll steal your idea someday ;)

  10. mwahahahahaha................... that wouuld be hilarious to do that on the 250... lol maybe i'll paint the plane like that

  11. Are you making fun of my little bike??!?!?! ;)

  12. Hey Travis.... Its Julie! I finally got a bike ;)

  13. i was jk.. do tell though ;) I have a couple hrs to kill at work and need some kind of entertainment.

  14. Hey Bret! Don't ask Travis any questions... whatever he says is a lie.

    I just moved out to New Albany a few months ago. Where do you live?

  15. :penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis::penis: i miss you!
  16. yikes! Glad you are ok!!!

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