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Posts posted by AOW

  1. I feel your pain... 3 weeks ago we took our kids to the Pumpkin Patch near our house (Lathrop), and they were in shorts and still sweated nearly to death. Last week my two kindergarteners went to the pumpkin patch in Livermore, and it was definitely no longer shorts weather.


  2. Glad you were mostly geared up and ware able to walk away!

    Glad to hear your OK.

    You were wearing an Icon helmet?

    I was thinking about a Shoei or Arai.

    But they are so expensive & the sellers convinced me that Icon & Bell helmets were not as good. Hmmmm.

    Consider that he ended up with a concussion, vs. my getting hit by an SUV, bouncing off a pick up truck, then tumbling for 30yds, followed by barrel rolls for another 10yds, and was concussion free with my Shoei Rf-1100

  3. And before the K&N haters come along...I've got proof on how well they perform.

    Top and bottom pictures, plus pictures of the airbox directly after I took the filter out to clean it. It was installed new in my previous DL1000 V-Strom right before a 3000 mile ride to Maine and back.

    Lot's of dirt and gravel roads, lots of rain...just about everything you could think of!

    cleanliness of your airbox don't mean shit. Silica level in your oil is a true indicator.

    P.S. Not a K&N hater in the least. Had them in multiple vehicles.

  4. Why would their be two light sensors? :confused:

    My mirror works fine with the spitball in there. Compass dims at night and the mirror auto-darkens.

    I covered the one facing out and the mirror dimmed like it does at night. :dunno:

    the same reason my Lincoln LS had two light sensors in the mirror. The rear facing sensor is so the mirror can auto dim if a vehicle behind you has its high beams on or just very bright headlights.

    It does not make sense to install a recessed camera with no way of cleaning lens on said camera.

  5. 1) employers, if they're looking for a degree, are looking for a degree, period. A business degree is a business degree, doesn't really matter what the specialty is, and *most* employers aren't going to notice.

    he speaks the truth! I've only ever had two or three potential and actual employers ever give a shit about what my degrees were in, but all wanted you to have a bachelors or equivalent. It's a extreme rarity these days to find an employer that places hands on job specific skills & knowledge above having a BS degree (pun intended).

  6. When I fled Ohio two years ago, I gave away my 55" twin tuner PIP projection Toshiba after 12 years of great service and picture.

    I now have 55" Samsung LED & 42" Samsung LCD, both 1080p. For ease of installing onto a wall, you cannot bet a LED TV. The packaging weighs more than the actual TV, and the mounting "bracket" is two hollow wall anchors with a piece of piano wire between them that the TV dangles from. Been on my earthquake region wall for over two years with no issues.

    Picture wise, the LED is a cleaner clearer picture than the LCD, but both pix are fucking incredible.

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