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Everything posted by DangBruhY

  1. I would NOT stoop to his level and do the stupid junk that he does. I do agree that you don't want your neighbor pissed at you. BUT... This is what I would do. I would call the local law enforcement. (Not for him talking about you, but for putting crap on your sidewalk and for threatening you) You can really make his life hell. If you need advice on what you should do on the law enforcement side, send me a PM.
  2. They should sue the inventor of hoola hoop... Because if he didn't invent it, people would do stupid stuff and hurt themselves. It reminds me of that Weird Al Yankovic - I'll Sue Ya song.
  3. I didn't say buy out... I said snuff. As in kill or "get rid of".
  4. Drinking Gatorade when you haven't been sweating and losing all your electrolytes, will only cause you to be even more dehydrated.
  5. The oil makers will probably snuff this company out.
  6. What did you have to do to win?
  7. They need to get out more and stop playing World of Warcraft.
  8. They said that if you made noise at the Wayne graduation, they would not give the student his diploma. There were people setting off horns left and right. Everyone got their diploma.
  9. DangBruhY

    Loud horn?

    Ok... this is what you need... A lot of the Subaru guys get these. They are LOUD AS HELL. Hella SuperTone Horn Kit, 118 db http://www.amazon.com/Hella-SuperTone-Horn-Kit-118/dp/B000CRZXPI
  10. Am I the only one that drinks water on a hot day?
  11. If your gear cost a total of $50, then leave it with the bike. I don't even like to leave my bike outside for extended periods of time. I keep all my gear with me. No matter how much of a PITA it is.
  12. Ok, now I've bookmarked both of them.
  13. I bookmarked those links... I'll have to go on it some time, since I missed the ride.
  14. I bought the Dunlop 208s when they first came out. A week after, I got a nail. A week after buying another one, I got ANOTHER nail. It sucks!
  15. DangBruhY


    I've seen this group ride before. I have no idea who they are.
  16. A buddy I worked with today lent his bike to a "friend". Two weeks later, he took it for the first ride since and right after getting on it, it shot a piston out the side. I won't see him again until Thursday. How many miles are on the engine?
  17. I know someone that might want the engine, if you go that route.
  18. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought the bike was only $750.
  19. Do you have one? We can test it out, if you do... (and live in dayton)
  20. +1 Did I miss how he died? I'm tired as hell and just skimmed over it.
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