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Status Updates posted by justin0469

  1. i did. ill probably have to meet with him to make sure its covering everything im thinking about...

  2. i hope he doesnt read this, he's gonna kick some ass and beat up some little people

  3. i popped your visitor cherry AND your friend cherry! ben (casper) doesnt count because he automatically is everyone's friend. he gets around...

  4. i told you i cant wear things after someone refers to it as a 1sie! :lol:

  5. i was but i had plans to go out....so i did :D

  6. If you can still get over there today to finish the trim and shoemoulding that would be sweet. Then we can figure out how much more you need and I'll get it. If you have time to get that hole in Sean's door frame that would be sweet and I'll buy and install a door knob! I think I'll hire someone to do the painting outside just so it will be done and we can continue to work on other stuff. Either Thurs, Fri or Sat I can help you move the old closet doors if you have time :D

    Thursday I might be able to stop by and have a beer or somethin while youre bartending, I think I'll be skipping the OR bike night...

  7. ill be gone tomorrow from like 2-6ish so either before that or after that, im down

  8. ill be here. thanks for not saying "tranny strippers" :lol:

  9. its 430am and why are you still up

  10. its cool, i got new tires now.

  11. its cool. i still got some things done. i just tried to call you, ill be there in about 20 min

  12. its cool. itll keep me happy for now but mike let me ride his cbr1000 and that was pretty awesome. i think i finally found someone with the bike i want but its in atlanta and he said he's willing to meet half way but thats still 4.5 hours + borrowing someone's trailer.

    anyway, i got the shower valve that we need too. Do we need anything else like more of those gator teeth connector things for the plumbing? I think the directions for the valve say something about needing plumber's putty. You think today we could do the valve and test and then tomorrow patch/mud that hole?

  13. its from like 530-9, so we might be able to catch the end of it after we get that cabinet and toilet

  14. let me know whats up tonight

  15. looks like someone found a way around work filters! :)

  16. man i knew that picture reminded me of something!

  17. no not yet. didnt have time yesterday. im going to call today to see if they can have it ready by wed morning and if you can pick it up by then. otherwise, we'll get it at pony since we have to go there no matter what.

  18. no problem, I don't know if that's sarcastic or not though... ;)

  19. no, being one of the leads on this huge project implementation, i work later to support everything that goin on so i go in later. so like 8 til whenever we're done. like 6. today i had to go back in from 830-1030. theres alot of high up people in the department of defense watching the progress..... gay

  20. no, i need to go get groceries for the past week now and do laundry :lol: gonna try to squeeze that in. just call me when you are done

  21. not so much chasing as having a name to fill sentences such as "ya, i'd piss in her butt" with a name

  22. not workin today but i remembered i do have plans starting here in a little bit after i shower and stuff. you're still more than welcome to come over and get some stuff done. i feel bad not bein here but i know mr handyman is dickin you guys over for work. i never did get around to getting the paint though. work has been (and will be for at least another week) keeping me really busy. i dunno if they are open today

  23. ok i just wanted to make sure

  24. ok. gotta pick up the weedwacker i bought during that sale last night. then steve wanted me to show him a few places, but i can do that later or we can point him to blarney stone and shades. ill put off grocery shopping again for a rainy day :D

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