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Status Updates posted by justin0469

  1. you wish! i was goin to write on chris' because he just wrote on mine, then i saw you freaks

  2. whenever we have to leave to get there by 12

  3. no, i need to go get groceries for the past week now and do laundry :lol: gonna try to squeeze that in. just call me when you are done

  4. no not yet. didnt have time yesterday. im going to call today to see if they can have it ready by wed morning and if you can pick it up by then. otherwise, we'll get it at pony since we have to go there no matter what.

  5. as long as you can make it fit

  6. its cool, i got new tires now.

  7. hey whats the name of the blonde super white trash skank

  8. yeah i was just waiting for someone to say they were on their way there. dover is there and madcats and ousley are on their way back from hocking so they wont be there for another hour or so. if youre leavin now, ill leave in a few min

  9. dude call me, got some questions about how/where you got your tires done

  10. hey woman, you disappeared

  11. how bout this weather huh? you know im kidding about keep puttin your name in that word association thread right

  12. Hey, didn't get your message until I already left to get over there. He said he's going to be back tomorrow and if not tomorrow, then Monday. I'll talk to you tomorrow about it and how many hours he's been there by then.

  13. its cool. itll keep me happy for now but mike let me ride his cbr1000 and that was pretty awesome. i think i finally found someone with the bike i want but its in atlanta and he said he's willing to meet half way but thats still 4.5 hours + borrowing someone's trailer.

    anyway, i got the shower valve that we need too. Do we need anything else like more of those gator teeth connector things for the plumbing? I think the directions for the valve say something about needing plumber's putty. You think today we could do the valve and test and then tomorrow patch/mud that hole?

  14. looks like someone found a way around work filters! :)

  15. yeah i didnt order it....so busy at work. ill try to do it tomorrow.

  16. damn and you dont invite the OR crew huh? I'm jk, i didnt know you were having surgery! have fun while you can and ill be praying for your surgery!

  17. yeah i just bought those ones on ebay I showed you. Hopefully should be here in a couple days...

    Ha, yeah there's some funny stuff in there. My fav is the dishwasher one...

  18. i did. ill probably have to meet with him to make sure its covering everything im thinking about...

  19. ha yeah...still up. doing some laundry before we move it

  20. sorry man. if you wanna borrow my rear too so you have time to order the one you really want instead of getting one at pony, you can. its not a big deal, i dont plan on using it anytime soon. i dont think pony has the forward handle pitbull stands.

  21. well theres just some questions i had about doing stuff. now that we removed those stones, it kinda looks better that way so i wanted to talk to him about what the options are to leave those off. maybe put them back later to see how they look. does his price include materials (dirt, mulch, weed barrier, etc)? will he till it a little more? clean it out a little more? get rid of most of the rocks by raking or something? i wanna see what he wants to cut off the trees and what he thinks about that one on the side of the house that might be dead. im sure there would be more once we'd meet in person...

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