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Status Updates posted by justin0469

  1. probably not man :( but ill let sara know

  2. schweeeet....thanks. I don't see why I couldn't make it to at least one of those get togethers. I did get the link and I was checkin it out yesterday. Good stuff.

  3. shit man this happens every weekend. nothing goin on and then all of a sudden everything is goin on at once. what are you doin tomorrow? maybe pick up some food and beer if we can get the cabinet and toilet tomorrow so we can go hang out tonight? let me know

  4. sorry man. if you wanna borrow my rear too so you have time to order the one you really want instead of getting one at pony, you can. its not a big deal, i dont plan on using it anytime soon. i dont think pony has the forward handle pitbull stands.

  5. steves getting deployed next month, hes not gonna get anything else...

  6. sweet. thought you were thinkin about a motard! have you been to a track day yet? john just got back from his...he went down at the end of today! he's fine but his bike is a little beat up.

  7. take pics OF hooters for me - if ya get what i mean :lol:

  8. thanks for comin to help with the install. changin oil tomorrow so i can put it all back together. i forgot that the speedofix was coming so i installed and set that up too. i found a how-to on makin the stock shifter go GP without rubbing so im gonna try that too

  9. thanks for doin the couple of pieces today. i forgot to take the stuff out of the pantry but its out now for when you can do the shoemoulding, hopefully those trim pieces from the pantry are still around for you to put in too.

  10. thanks for the offer! tomorrow we are goin to hang out at her sisters house in marion (sp?) though...

  11. thats not thaaaaaaat much work if we just freakin do it lol everything always ends up getting dragged out takin way longer than it should, admitted myself most of the time.

  12. thats what i was wondering, but does it matter as long as they are new?

  13. uh oh.... pants party at my house?

  14. well it goes through spurts, ill be on it like white on rice for awhile, but then i lose it... but i always make sure to get all the ladies bdays! Yours, DollFace, etc :D

  15. well theres just some questions i had about doing stuff. now that we removed those stones, it kinda looks better that way so i wanted to talk to him about what the options are to leave those off. maybe put them back later to see how they look. does his price include materials (dirt, mulch, weed barrier, etc)? will he till it a little more? clean it out a little more? get rid of most of the rocks by raking or something? i wanna see what he wants to cut off the trees and what he thinks about that one on the side of the house that might be dead. im sure there would be more once we'd meet in person...

  16. whats up? long time no talk, just seein if you're ever comin around

  17. whenever we have to leave to get there by 12

  18. ya it was cool. ill be headed over in about 30 min. dont forget to bring your miter saw, staple gun and whatever else we need! i REALLY want to get this done today

  19. Ya, I left it in your other truck. I can make a copy tomorrow or if you need it today, you can take that one.

  20. ya...wrong color :supergay: i dont plan on gettin a 1piece this yr

  21. yayaya after that steve and i and maybe some over ppl are goin to a hookah bar. if i tell the guy we'll be there between 5-530 for the cabinet you think that would work?

  22. yeah i didnt order it....so busy at work. ill try to do it tomorrow.

  23. yeah i just bought those ones on ebay I showed you. Hopefully should be here in a couple days...

    Ha, yeah there's some funny stuff in there. My fav is the dishwasher one...

  24. yeah i was just waiting for someone to say they were on their way there. dover is there and madcats and ousley are on their way back from hocking so they wont be there for another hour or so. if youre leavin now, ill leave in a few min

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