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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. 000203E2.gif

    Wanna go fishin sometime???

  2. you gonna make the 4th of july cookout?? or parade? or both?

  3. hey long time no see.. how's it goin???

  4. yeah.... and as far as the bike in atlanta... I suppose we could ride down together and you could ride the bike back... if you didnt want to borrow a trailer....

  5. are we having fun yet??? how's the bike with new sprockets???

  6. wanna go for a ride this morning with swingr??? I was thinking about heading over to his house to check out his concrete ideas... then maybe going out for a short ride...

  7. chico... need your addy and time you wanna get together.... pm me k?

  8. hey buudddy!! gonna be out and about today if you want to have me stop by and check out your concrete ideas... give you some hard prices... whateva... shoot me a pm with your addy and time you wanna hook up maybe go out for a little ride after... k?

  9. did ya get my message yesterday? I can come over anytime today, or sometime tomorrow evening, just shoot me a pm with your address and time you wanna meet up ok??

  10. wanna have me come check that drywall out today or tomorrow???

  11. I have some ideas..... I'll go over later and try to heat it off....

  12. hey man you not feeling well??? tried to call ya last night, steve said you were pretty tired...

  13. hey dude you got any plans for tonight?? wanna come over with carine and watch the final playoff game with me??

  14. are you not talking to me or somtin??? dang !!!

  15. cool bitches!!

  16. I'll give it my best shot.... wouldn't want to miss yota doing backflips on the dance floor....

  17. maybe.... I got a KofC meeting tonight....

  18. nothin..... you doin anything on saturday?? wanna go for a ride with me and wheelze??? maybae a couple others??

  19. well at least you are working and pulling down 40 hrs... some of us are struggling to make that if any at all...

  20. gonna make a good attempt at it.... it should prove to be a good time...

  21. yeah not a problemo... anything i can do to help ya out man... just let me know..

  22. Qsl tonight??? it looks like the weather is clearing... according to Radar anyway....

  23. most evenings, just call me.... 554 8056....

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