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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. did ya like that???

  2. ahhh it happens to the strongest of us.... no problemo

  3. hey dude shake that cold yet???

  4. you not talking to me again??? dammit!!:D

  5. would you be down for riding to utica for the big velvet ice cream festival???

  6. yeah but everyone's gotta cut loose from time to time.... so you workin tomorrow??

  7. surprised you aren't at dave's hotel party at easton with justin and all of em'

  8. you going to dave's hotel party???

  9. where is the ice cream fest???

  10. i'd be down for ice cream....

  11. so, you working tomorrow?

  12. dude... you know I kid... and I know where you stand on the whole thing....

  13. wha no response???

  14. well it stopped raining... now it's all wet... like mandie, for you...

  15. as you can tell I'm the really cool open guy that'll screw with everyone equally, and I'm fun to be around too... so even if you don't get along with everyone else, at least you know I'll be there to back ya up....

  16. continued wet and shitty off and on forecast till thursday....

  17. it's raining cats and dogs over here.....

  18. i wouldn't mind coming up and hanging with ya tomorrow and checking out the hell steed...

  19. you wanna drop in on focus dave's hotel party later???

  20. it be raining good right now... glad I'm not out in it.... we should run the gov't I think we'd do a better job of it....

  21. cool, it's pouring here now!!.... maybe wait till it blows out and head for dave's hotel party at easton...

  22. which direction tho??

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