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Status Updates posted by cmoosego

  1. gonna go check out teh fry situation at mickey d's

  2. gonna head to the house soon??? sorry about last night, kinda got swept into a surprise party for a good friend at church after playing .... we'll hit it hard today... I got no other plans cept helping you...

  3. gonna make a good attempt at it.... it should prove to be a good time...

  4. gonna ride today bisches???

  5. good morning mr. drunk texter.....

  6. good night sweet heart... I gotta catch some sleep ... catch ya soon...

  7. good show as always bubby

  8. good to hear bro.... I got the Kat running and had it out again tonight for a brief minute down around the block.... man this thing is alot quicker then my fiddy...LMAO

  9. got a donation from the irish pub down here at work, sauce taken care of bubby... you gonna come nom on some fish friday??

  10. got another one on the 25th of this month if you are interested...

  11. got any plans for tomorrow?? you gonna hit up the bike night?

  12. got my tires on saturday, already got 60 miles on them....

  13. got over to the house today, got everything coated again, I'd let it dry over the weekend, some of the mud was a little wet yet, probably due to the thickness and the moisture content in the air. (due to the rain) shoudl be ready to sand and prime the walls come monday, and do the texture then too..

  14. got ya beat... i put in 500 over the weekend.... 400 back n forth to cincinnati, and an additional 100 trolling around the backroads of cinci with my little sister...:D

  15. got yer gas back yet?

  16. got your message.... it was a 2 part epoxy grout, at lowes, laticrete I believe was the name of the product...

  17. got your message.... it was a 2 part epoxy grout, at lowes, laticrete I believe was the name of the product...

  18. gotta ride, hang, or break bread with fonzie and the leaders of the group... DTC= dysfunctional traveling circus....

  19. gotta work for a bit first.... workin at justin's and Ananda's in the afternoon.. The Mr.handyman job in the AM...

  20. gottcha.... unless this gets banned on OR too....

  21. group ride meet up at pony round 3pm

  22. happy birthday buddy

  23. happy new year dude

  24. have a good birthday bubby?

  25. have I told you lately that you suck?? LOL

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