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Found 3 results

  1. The new Z1000 is supposed to be announced today. There have been some images leaked and a video...I'm not all that enthused with the design of the front but the rest looks nice. Can't wait to hear the engine specs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-X30h9s1Vc
  2. The Shoei RF-1200 Graffiti graphic is another great looking lid in the Shoei collection. Available for pre-order and due to ship October 1st, the RF-1200 Graffiti is an urban themed helmet with pearl and metallic flake that add depth to the lid making this one of our favorites of the new releases. Retails at $589.99. These are not yet listed on the website, but you can place your pre-order with MIKE by giving him a call at 866.931.6644 ext. 804. Is email more convenient? Send us a message through this forum or write to us at FORUM at RIDERSDISCOUNT dot COM, and we'll get back to you right away! What's not seen on the stock graphics and video is this clear ghosted graphic that is prevalent throughout the lid adding a unique look to the lid in the light On top of the RF-1200 Graffiti is a paint splatter effect, however the gray is a reflective finish giving depth to the graphic. The RF-1200 is a great all around helmet from Shoei. DOT and Snell approved, the aerodynamic profile works for riders who prefer the tuck or who like to cruise in a more upright position. You can't go wrong with the RF-1200 lid from Riders Discount.
  3. I will preface this whole post saying that we don't have a full organizer of the event, and I'm in NEO, so I won't be able to organize this down at the meet spot because I will probably be one of the last to arrive with the NEO group. We will need to find someone who is able to get to the meet spot early and organize so that all goes as smooth as possible. I can help with all the pre-planning prior to the day of the event, but unfortunately not being as close as others, it would be beneficial if we could get some help for the day of the event. ORIGINAL DATE CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN!!!! Date: SUNDAY - May 18, 2014 Rain Date: Sunday - May 18, 2014 All details are subject to change - so please follow up to this thread before the event to verify all details are the same! Meet Place: Hocking Mall Shopping Center ---Hocking Mall St, Logan, OH 43138 Logan shopping mall lot on 664 latitude. 39.54528°, longitude. -82.43083° Time: Meet by 10:30 Start organizing group by 11:00 and kick stand to ride by 11:30 Pre-Ride Meetups: W/SW Rider Meetup NE Rider Meetup Central Rider Meetup NW Rider Meetup (Link TBD) When you arrive we will *hopefully* have areas designated to your group for the ride (i.e. fast, med-fast, med, etc), so please park your bike in the group you wish to ride. This should save some hassle organizing groups later on. Route will be same as last year. http://goo.gl/maps/ZnwBZ The following details are copied and pasted from last year's Epic Ride, organized by Nivin (NinjaDoc). They worked well and we will of modify certain aspects within last years event to make it even better this year! Last year we had close to 75+ riders, which was an incredible turnout, so let's try to get more riders out this year! Request: Be ATGATT if possible, and try and sport an OR t shirt if you have one. Orders for t-shirts will also be possible by PM'ing me a size. (T-shirt request thread - 8$ a shirt) Some etiquette to help us all better as suggested by many riders: • Everyone is responsible for themselves, so ride within your limits. Crashing is not something we want to have happen. We had several incidents last year, some because of bike maintenance and I believe some because they were outside their comfort zone in terms of speed. Ride within your limits and stay safe. Our goal is to have a fun safe day of riding with a bunch who share the same passion. Crashing only ruins that fun, not only for you, but for others as well. • Grab a bite if you want before ride as there wont be lunch stops. • Ideal maximum group size is ten riders with a lead rider and a tail (sweep) rider • These two riders should be interchangeable in skill level so that the sweep rider can evaluate and help the riders in front of them: These two riders need to know the count of how many riders are in their group. The lead rider needs to wait at all stops for the sweep rider to give him a thumb up. • At each stop the leader or sweep rider can switch or at their discretion ask and allow a new formation of the line. • Do not allow passing other riders in same group once the ride has started except at starts. • Passing slow moving vehicles might be needed for the faster group, when doing this each rider makes times and judges it for them self. Dont wait for the group to pass as a whole. At times might have to cross double yellow to pass. • Both group leaders should know the route well and if possible have ridden it prior to event. • Do not allow changes of groups at stops (Unless both ride leaders of both groups are aware of the change and it does not raise the group count to over ten riders. • If a rider has to leave a group early make sure they tell someone in the group • Do not pass except at stops. • If you picked the wrong spot in line of your group ask to change positions at stops or if a rider signals you to pass. • Start the ride with a full tank of gas. • Many folks are planning to grab a bite at the end of the ride, those with time should do it as it will be fun. The unfortunate long haulers will start back to get home before dark. The Groups Always start one group below what you feel you ride. Meaning if you think your fast, start with medium fast group and if you are comfortable move to the fast group during gas break after letting the lead and sweep know. Better to be safe than sorry. Remember we might be riding roads very new to you. Fast: • Usually 70mph on the straight and 25-30 mph over the posted limit of curve. • The people who belong to the group know they belong to this group, they dont think they belong here. • Dont jump in here unless you been riding with such fellows for some time. eg: UP, Midgettod, Hutch, Core rides Medium-Fast: • 65-70mph on the straight and 20-25 over the posted limit opf curve. • This is the usual fast rides some group rides do, still rather fast • Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads Medium: • 65 mph on the straight and 15-20 over the posted limit opf curve. • This is the everyday regular group rides pace, • Jump in here if you been riding for a while and is comfortable at these paces on most roads Slow: • 60 mph or around posted limit on the straight and upto 10 over the posted limit of curve. • This is the a very comfortable yet fun group ride, • Jump in here if you like doing friendly fun rides and also new riders must join here • The last two rides most people rode this group showing zero ego issues and they had most fun, • No ego in both years kept our rides with 0 casuality Cruiser and heavy touring: • All the mammoth bikes and cruisers • They enjoy the road and own the road at their own pace • Made sperate group just in case there is enough numbers • more than free to join any of the above group based on their own preference. If you could please announce if you plan to attend and which group so I can keep an ongoing list. If you plan on bringing someone else from outside of the forums, or those who don't post, please add a +1 for each member, so we can kind of figure out how many groups we will need to plan for.\ Also post if you are willing to sweep or lead so we can get a list for that as well. Groups paired by Color between leads/sweeps Leads: jschaf (fast - unless someone else steps up) derekclouser (med-fast) helmutt (med - dayton group) b-mac (med) rhill (med) cdubyah (med-slow) Sweeps: tpoppa (fast) whaler (med-fast) 330racing (med-fast) snot (med - dayton group) Mike53Ali (med-slow) malaysioninvasion (slow) Willing to sweep or lead: People attending so far: Fast: OhioFZ1's +1 jschaf tpoppa InyaAzz Medium Fast: isaac's papa 330racing derekclouser whaler wolfman1 kent8406 dubie B-Mac Koreo Medium: hellmutt snot 2.slow rollnhot hahafzr smccrory tweak740 ninjachk08 MaTS1200 DUBIE Heagachongoose Medium Slow: shadyone DAC Slow tall_tracy bloodninja420 crazyskullcrusher hawk JackFlash OhioFz6 & +2 Grokked cptchaos Hahafzr's +2 Slimpsy WickedJester Full List of People Attending: porschefan 330racing derekclouser whaler wolfman1 tall_tracy isaac's papa jhawk hellmutt snot smccrory J_Copeland JCMathis Dyingshadow (attending meet but not riding in a group) rollnhot earache jdonn zxhooligan cdubyah dubie kent2406 crazyskullcrusher jd724 bloodninja420 hawk) malaysionnvasion hahafzr +2 Maybe hutch JackFlash mykill rhill jschaf (+1-4) johng tonik mike53ali inyaazz ninjachk08 kmanlyst kz kari (slow) dac shadyone OhioFz6 2.slow rollnhot tweak740 Grokked B-Mac Koreo cptchaos Heagachongoose Slimpsy WickedJester Maybe: Blitz bad324 mango_sv dizzledan (med-slow) Link
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