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Found 1 result

  1. My review this week is going to be from a band local to me. These dudes graduated high school a few years after I did. Just some troy boys who made it big.I love that they stuck with it and kept the dream alive and never gave up. This ain't your grandmas easy listening. They have a little older sound to them compared to some of the other bands, which is why they stand out to me. I love that they can quickly go from your normal metal growl, to some nice vocals. Much like Avenged Sevenfold.What stands out to me about this particular band is that their lyrics have a positive feel most of the time. Some metal just drags you down. This pumps me up, and makes me want to go raise hell! This particular album is pretty darn good. Heres a live video of one of my favorite songs on the album- Hey Mister . Heres the official video for " Hey mister" For those of you who say" I cant understand what they are saying" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSG3v0GtHkM This particular song is hits home for alot of kids these days. Its a shame how many dead beat parents that are out there. anywho; On with this.. I really dig this song, because it starts off showing of the other side of there vocal talent. I love that they can actually sing. Anyways, thats all I have this week. =)
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