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  1. Hello Everyone I wanted to ask upon opinions for locating a person or business which can assist I in rebuilding my 1996 Honda xr650l motor. Brief history upon the bike/motor: I purchased this 1996 honda xr650l a year ago (currently the third owner). The bike had close to 25,000 miles upon it, the combustion pressure was in specifics for the bike and the engine was properly maintained by the owner along with a local shop. In September 2014, I blew the piston upon the bike (at 32,000 miles). Until a month ago, I removed the motor from the frame and disassembled the top end (which proved my theory of the blown piston). The cylinder and valves were shipped to a machinest to have the cylinder bored and the valves tested/checked (along with the seals replaced). For the assistance: I was wondering if there was some business or someone that would assist me in rebuilding the bottom end of the xr650l at a reasonable price (pretty much a poor grad student)? The bottom end would require the following work: -Cases split and cleaned -Have the bearings within the engine cases replaced -Replace the connecting rod on the crank -And of course, overviewing the rest of the transmission, oil pump, etc for any wear and tear. But the biggest job is cleaning the bottom end of the motor due to small metal shards from the blown piston. I've looked at motorcycle businesses around the Columbus area, yet came short of finding one due to high repair rates, lack of time, lack of experience for dual sport motors, or the business had a poor reputation with customers. Any advice, comments, or suggestions is more then welcome. Definitely wish to get my bike running again to save some money on gasoline and most important, enjoy riding once again.
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