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Feinstein: Reid excluded the assault-weapons ban from Senate gun bill


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I seriously think you should keep that to yourself and hope that nobody interprets it as a runup to a Gabby Gifford event.

I do NOT want to lose our constitutional rights due to attitudes that fuel gun control stereotypes and legislation.

Truly, you're not helping the cause.

Thanks Dad. :rolleyes: She is an old dog, and it is an obvious and total joke. I am just utilizing my freedom of speech, no threats of any kind have been made.

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Roger that, and glad to hear :-). And sorry if I'm overly sensitive to it this morning. I have many friends on the other side of this issue and am doing what I can to keep from fueling their fire...!

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first of all, i'm completely against banning so-called "assault weapons", i'm against any sort of registration of firearms, as that might/will eventually lead to confiscation, i'm against arbitrary limits on magazine capacity, and i honestly believe that Sen. Feinstein is borderline senile and should removed from office, as her best days (not years, days) are well behind her at this point in her life.

However: A politician's job in our system of government is to represent his/her constituents, and vote/enact laws that accede to their wishes, right?

According to a recent poll I found ( click here), a majority of Californians favor banning "assault weapons" and all of the other ideas that have been proposed since Newtown.

So, since a majority of her folks want it, should she propose/support it?

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Roger that, and glad to hear :-). And sorry if I'm overly sensitive to it this morning. I have many friends on the other side of this issue and am doing what I can to keep from fueling their fire...!

Understand ya 100%, although can't say I have any friends or family on the other side of issue. If people would only try to look at things logically instead of knee jerk reactions and actions, consider the real issues at hand instead of personal vendettas.

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Understand ya 100%, although can't say I have any friends or family on the other side of issue. If people would only try to look at things logically instead of knee jerk reactions and actions, consider the real issues at hand instead of personal vendettas.

I couldn't agree more which is why I continue to portray gun owners to them as "more like you than you realize." I've converted a few of them into trap and target shooters - actually its one the frustrations I have about .22LR being so hard to find - grrrr!

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