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louisiana pro-gun law (written by nra) has unusual consequences.


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Also where in the story does it say the law was written by the nra? All I found was a quote from an nra-ila member saying that they had passed a strong right to bear arms law.

I just watched the story on TRMS tonight.

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No, I'm not worried about being robbed, I'm worried about crazy ass gun nuts pitching a brick through my window because they disagree with my political views.

Has this happened yet? I think your worry's are unfounded and baseless. Take your tinfoil hat off and stop drinking the Kool Aide that Obama and the rest of the left are pouring for you.

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If I were worried about being robbed, i'd lock my doors

Right, because only gun nuts smash windows with bricks.

Do you seriously believe the shit you spout off? That some gun owner is going to come to your house and commit a felony over a sign in your yard? A crime that would disable him from being allowed to own guns? Isn't it far far more likely that your house would be burglarized? Because ya know, I've heard of houses being burglarized plenty of times, all throughout history but never once heard of a gun owner breaking someone's window because they simply chose not to own guns.

Really dude, try and keep things in the realm of possibility here.

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And you call gun owners paranoid. Where's all that courage you were talking about earlier?

While the concept may completely escape the grasp of your feeble brain, the overwhelming majority of gun owners are peaceful, caring, family-oriented individuals who don't go out of their way to destroy other people's property over a difference of opinion. They dont shoot them either fuckface, so don't even go there. Your fear of this gun nut boogeyman hurling masonary through your windows is completely unfounded and you know it. You're just afraid to post the sign and you're afraid to admit that your convictions don't dovetail with your actions. You're fabricating some bullshit scenereo that has very little chance of happening to try and cover up the real reason. I know it, you know it, anyone who's following this thread knows it so stop with the charade and just fess up already.

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Am i the only one here that finds his links from Mother Jones completely contradictory from his so called political beliefs? Linking from a far left sided blog but yet he says hes a Libertarian...more like full of shit and confused

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Mags wants gun control so it takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens cause we all know criminals obey laws.

Here a good video that Magley would support, a store owner being robbed and shot at, but the only thing he uses is a bat. Great on him for defending himself with a bat, but had he had a gun he probably wouldn't have even been shot to begin with.


Oh wait! This happened in Chicago, they already ban hand guns! So this obviously couldn't have happened! Its all fabricated and doctored video

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So because the source happens to have democratic affiliation, the facts of the case are in dispute?

Libertarian doesn't mean "republican tea bagger" it means I'm for preserving personal liberty, even if it's for something I personally disagree with or personally want no part of.

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So because the source happens to have democratic affiliation, the facts of the case are in dispute?

Libertarian doesn't mean "republican tea bagger" it means I'm for preserving personal liberty, even if it's for something I personally disagree with or personally want no part of.

Mag's Ive never met anyone who didn't personally believe in what their political affiliation believes or supports. For you to say your a libertarian that believes in all personal liberties but you personally dont agree with my right to own a firearm makes you a hypocrite in my book.

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Mag's Ive never met anyone who didn't personally believe in what their political affiliation believes or supports. For you to say your a libertarian that believes in all personal liberties but you personally dont agree with my right to own a firearm makes you a hypocrite in my book.

So in your book, automatically, everything I personally don't like I have to also vote to ban? Pretty fucking narrow minded, don't you think? I can't support other people's legal right to smoke because I personally never plan to smoke?


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So in your book, automatically, everything I personally don't like I have to also vote to ban? Pretty fucking narrow minded, don't you think? I can't support other people's legal right to smoke because I personally never plan to smoke?


It just goes against everything Ive ever witnessed. You have got to be the only Libertarian that actually sites Mother Jones as fact. Personally I think your confused as to where your political beliefs should align.

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It just goes against everything Ive ever witnessed. You have got to be the only Libertarian that actually sites Mother Jones as fact. Personally I think your confused as to where your political beliefs should align.

You are doing exactly what he wants.....you know that don't ya?

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It just goes against everything Ive ever witnessed. You have got to be the only Libertarian that actually sites Mother Jones as fact. Personally I think your confused as to where your political beliefs should align.

So if mother jones reports a brick through a window, there were neither a brick nor a window?

My political beliefs align where I want them to... balancing the good of the community with the cost, and still respecting individual liberties whether I personally agree with them or not.

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and still respecting individual liberties whether I personally agree with them or not.

Insulting one because of their personal choice doesn't show respect. The fact that you answered Skullcrusher the way you did on his invitation to post a sign you have a complete disregard for others beliefs in rights and that you are contradictory from your political beliefs. I :bow: to your supreme intellect on using Mother Jones as a reputable source for facts. :rolleyes:

So obviously we know where your stance on guns isn't gonna change anytime soon.

Whats your stance on Global Warming, Fact? Or Fiction?

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"Respect" in regard to the law, not personally.

Since you asked, global warming isn't something I have a definitive view on. Whether human actions have a meaningful effect on global temperatures doesn't matter to me either way. I'll be dead before it has a "catastrophic" effect, and if our effect is minimal, or inconsequential, then it doesn't matter to anyone.

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Libertarian doesn't mean "republican tea bagger" it means I'm for preserving personal liberty, even if it's for something I personally disagree with or personally want no part of.

So to clarify...Are you for or against tea-bagging, then?

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