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louisiana pro-gun law (written by nra) has unusual consequences.


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I want your views to actually represent what you say you are. Its fucking common sense for a persons ideas to shape their own political beliefs. You say personally you don't think we should own guns, but your political votes will be in favor of the second amendment because that's where your party line votes. If that's the case then your either confused or fucking stupid because I've never in my 15 years of voting met a single person who's personal views varied from their political views.

Ill be honest, your comments on the Chris Kyle threads has my blood boiling. I have to say I wouldn't put it past someone to knock your damn teeth out at how you spoke about him or any other solider, marine, sailor, or airman. Those are my brothers and sisters who I personally served with. I personally take offense to the notion that you would talk down to the people who protect the very freedoms you enjoy. No Libertarian that I know of would speak in such a manner of someone of his caliber. No libertarian that I've ever met would even begin to spew the shit you spew sometimes. You seriously need to check yourself before someone plants a fist in your mouth because its running a mile a minute but you aren't heading the warnings of people who are telling you.

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I want your views to actually represent what you say you are. Its fucking common sense for a persons ideas to shape their own political beliefs. You say personally you don't think we should own guns, but your political votes will be in favor of the second amendment because that's where your party line votes.

Aha! I think we've found the disconnect...

I don't support the second amendment "because my party told me so".

It's because I believe in rights, and I'm not a fan of completely revoking them in the interest of safety... limiting in some ways yes, completely revoking no.

Do I honestly believe we'd be better off without them, as a society? Yes.

I also believe we'd be better off without religion, but that doesn't mean I don't support that part of the first amendment. The biggest difference is that someone can't kill me with their religion... but as I've said, I'm not really worried about anyone killing me with their guns either.

I represent myself, I'm not a party puppet, I'm not even sure what party I should support (if any).

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I bet religion has killed more people in the world than anything else.

edit: or call it ideology.

I'd agree, religion was the justification, but not the cause of death, those were puncture wounds from swords and bullets.

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I'd agree, religion was the justification, but not the cause of death, those were puncture wounds from swords and bullets.

lol, stop it. I don't blame a hammer for hammering a nail. Law requires means, motive, and opportunity.

edit: just had a funny... I don't blame an aircraft carrier for launching an air strike either.

Edited by ReconRat
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lol, stop it. I don't blame a hammer for hammering a nail. Law requires means, motive, and opportunity.

edit: just had a funny... I don't blame an aircraft carrier for launching an air strike either.

Nails can be removed and/or replaced, dead can't be ressurected nor replaced.

Should every person have the power to launch an air strike?

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I want your views to actually represent what you say you are. Its fucking common sense for a persons ideas to shape their own political beliefs. You say personally you don't think we should own guns, but your political votes will be in favor of the second amendment because that's where your party line votes. If that's the case then your either confused or fucking stupid because I've never in my 15 years of voting met a single person who's personal views varied from their political views.

Ill be honest, your comments on the Chris Kyle threads has my blood boiling. I have to say I wouldn't put it past someone to knock your damn teeth out at how you spoke about him or any other solider, marine, sailor, or airman. Those are my brothers and sisters who I personally served with. I personally take offense to the notion that you would talk down to the people who protect the very freedoms you enjoy. No Libertarian that I know of would speak in such a manner of someone of his caliber. No libertarian that I've ever met would even begin to spew the shit you spew sometimes. You seriously need to check yourself before someone plants a fist in your mouth because its running a mile a minute but you aren't heading the warnings of people who are telling you.

My personal views differ from my political views since I don't believe my personal views s hould be forced or limit others. . Just because I don't like something doesn't mean I want it banned. Not defending magz.

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Nails can be removed and/or replaced, dead can't be ressurected nor replaced.

Should every person have the power to launch an air strike?

What state is going to allow private citizens to possess nukes? 10th amendment, it should be left to the states.

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Nails can be removed and/or replaced, dead can't be ressurected nor replaced.

Should every person have the power to launch an air strike?

Part one = logical fallacy. Not relevant.

Part two = yes, every person who has an aircraft carrier should have the power to launch an air strike.

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