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My endevour to stop smoking


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Ok so I've been smoking since I was 11 yrs old, I am 35 as of the other day, so doing the math that means I have been smoking for 24 years, and I have been smoking 2-3 packs a day for the past 3 or 4 years. Regardless what your thoughts are on smoking and why I should have never started to begin with isn't something I'm posting this for.

Ive tried many different methods to quit, all have fail. Welbutrin was prescribed for my by the Navy flight surgeon during my second year check up, completely useless other then making one feel better about themselves. I've tried nicotine gum (tastes like shit imo), Nicotine patches (I can have one on and still smoke 1 and a half pack), as far as Chantix goes, I've got to many reservations on it. Hypnotism is something I didnt consider because I think its more of a fad then anything. I've been doing some homework on Vaporizer E-Cig's. So far I have managed to make it 56 hours without a cigarette. That's the longest I've managed to go without a cigarette on any of the other stop smoking aides.

Has anyone else tried to stop smoking? Whats worked for you, what didn't work for you? I know a lot of people who say they quit cold turkey, and I have tried several times, I just cant do so. My will power sucks like hell. My ECig seems to do very well at curbing my cravings.

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Unfortunately it does take a lot of will power. It also helps to remove the things or actions that you used to like to smoke doing. Drinking beer was a killer for me. I quit 4+ years ago but I will still want and have 1 or 2 if I'm drinking. When I initially quit I had to not drink at all.

My wife quit for over a year and has just recently started back.

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I smoked a pack a day for about 15 years and I quit cold turkey. It was tough..especially after meals or when having a few beers with friends because I really enjoyed a cigarette at those times. I just made up my mind to quit and did it. Haven't touched one in years and can't stand the smell of them now...makes me gag. My wife is still a "social" smoker and I can smell it on her if she goes out in the garage to have a smoke, but like I said it kinda grosses me out and definitely doesn't make me crave one. I still enjoy some Copenhagen snuff from time to time, but I can go without no problem. That was actually one way that helped me get over the nicotine cravings was dipping occasionally. At the time I didn't like the taste of snuff that much so I would only do it when I was jonesing for some nicotine...which broke me of the habit of having a cigarette in my mouth all of the time. The E-Cig may work for you because that was the hardest part for me about quitting was not physically holding the cigarette...just a habit thing.

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I quit about 4 or 5 yrs ago started in 5th or 6th grade 39 now was 3+ packs a day and I used chantix only used it for 2 months have never even had one urge to smoke. Had tried all kinds of shit before and nothing ever worked within a few hours I wanted to kill everyone. I never had any of the nightmares or any other shit they warn about with chantix only thing I had was you start on half dose then a week in go to full dose and that first day on full dose I felt like hell just (sick feeling) but it was that one day and doc had warned me to make sure started full dose on days off

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go to alt-smoke downtown in columbus, they have the bad-ass legit e-cigs with powerful batteries, and adjustable voltages i think is the right way to say it. anyway, i have friends who quit cold turkey for these and haven't smoked in at least 6 months. and these are people who were 2 packs a day smokers... I'm going down soon to get my kit to get set up. you can get started with a middle of the road product for 50-100 bucks. and they are really good, not the cheap low dosage stuff, you can really get buzzed if you arent careful on these, you can also adjust the nicotine concentration as you go. try it out!!!

alt-smoke in columbus is the place to go

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Quit on 11/8/2010 cold turkey. It was a bitch. I was also very, very angry. I yelled at the steering wheel alot. It was actually quite theraputic.

I played video games, and got fatter. I relapsed the weekend of Kawi Kid's bachelor party, but haven't looked back since.

I should also mention that I was only a smoker for 6 years.

Find a goal and work towards it. Mine was using the money I used to buy smokes to buy an engagement ring. It was enough apparently.

Good luck!

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They tell you on chantix to smoke for one week pick a date you will quit. My doc said don't bother just smoke if you feel you need to and you will quit. Well I went about 2 1/2 weeks smoked 3 1/2 packs went to bed woke up in the morning lit a smoke took 3 hits and put it out haven't ever craved one since and I'm always around smokers.

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go to alt-smoke downtown in columbus, they have the bad-ass legit e-cigs with powerful batteries, and adjustable voltages i think is the right way to say it. anyway, i have friends who quit cold turkey for these and haven't smoked in at least 6 months. and these are people who were 2 packs a day smokers... I'm going down soon to get my kit to get set up. you can get started with a middle of the road product for 50-100 bucks. and they are really good, not the cheap low dosage stuff, you can really get buzzed if you arent careful on these, you can also adjust the nicotine concentration as you go. try it out!!!

alt-smoke in columbus is the place to go

Oh yeah brother, thats what I got right now, It doesnt have the adjustable voltage, but its a 1000mha battery that puts out 3.4v. Its an eGo-C, the kit come with 3 atomizers, 2 batteries, 2 holding tubes, 2 tips, usb recharger, wall charger, and a carry case. The owner at the shop usually gives a 10ml bottle to start he gave me a 30ml bottle of tobacco flavor juice at 24mg nicotine. Cost me $105 after taxes, and from what Ive seen on different sites thats about the average.

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I have several goals lined up. One of my agreements with my wife when I bought my bike was I was to stop smoking within a year of purchasing. My next goal is to save up the money for us to put a sizable down payment on a house for us, then the other is to just save cash. At my current spending rate at 2.5 packs a day thats around 100 a week or 5200 a year. Thats a sizable amount I can put towards bills, or a new bike for her and I, or a new SUV for her.

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What is there about chantix that bothers you?

Talking to a few friends who have tried it say that it gave them very lucid dreams, one said he had suicidal thoughts while on it. Another said his dreams were so vivid that he actually thought that his dreams were true. Plus my insurence doesn't cover part of the cost, the local pharmacies here want $160 for a 30 day supply, and I cant justify it if it isnt for sure going to work for me, they will only cover welbutrin which doesn't work worth a shit.

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Well the dreams are individual basis I had absolutely none. I tried every freaking thing that came out and nothing worked until the chantix. My doc gave me coupons and it ended up like $50 off each month but even @ $160 it's cheaper than a month of smokes. Plus it sounds like you have your wife for support doubt she's gonna let you get suicidal. If you get bad dreams or thoughts then you need to talk to the doc and they may have to keep you on half dose longer.

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I personally think hypnosis is a crock of shit so it would've never worked for me but my buddy his brother and his sister in law all went and got hypnotized his brother and SIL walked out and fired up my buddy starts to tremble and get sick to his stomach if he even touches a pack of smokes.

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Well the dreams are individual basis I had absolutely none. I tried every freaking thing that came out and nothing worked until the chantix. My doc gave me coupons and it ended up like $50 off each month but even @ $160 it's cheaper than a month of smokes. Plus it sounds like you have your wife for support doubt she's gonna let you get suicidal. If you get bad dreams or thoughts then you need to talk to the doc and they may have to keep you on half dose longer.

My wife is definitely supporting me, however she still smokes, she tries to go outside to smoke, but not all the time. One thing quitting is giving me is reasons to go ride because of the therapeutic aspects of riding. As far as going nuts, I have a 13 yr old who thinks shes gods gift to boys, and my 9 yr old has just crossed into the realm of being a woman and dad isnt taking it to well.

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nothing is going to help you quit unless you have a will to quit and by will i mean self control. whether it be jerk off to keep from smoking or something as simple as just keeping your hands busy.

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Not yet, her will power is far worse then mine is. She did say that IF i am able to quit using these Ecigs that she will give it a go. However I doubt she will make it. The stress she deals with in as the manager at her store she has to have an out and smoking is it. Sides she only smokes about 3/4 a pack a day.

In the end I really hope she does quit

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Makes it a little rougher but if you really truly want to quit you'll make it. If you truly don't want to quit at this time then stop wasting money and wait until you truly want to quit. Trust me until you are at that point nothing will work.

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I really want to quit and I think this is the time to do it. Ive been wanting to quit since I left the Navy in 2004, but being in my job where I drive for hours a day and work outside without restrictions on smoking it was too easy. This Ecig is definitely helping to curb my cravings since Im still getting the nicotine. Now I just need to break the hand to mouth habits.

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