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wire problems


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So I'm not super happy to be posting this with it being summer weather. Anyways, here's my issue. TRM8TER...feel free to chime in at anytime lol

I was getting ready to go for a ride tonight so I rolled the 675 outside and fired her up. I went back inside to put my gear on as shes warming up and come back outside and shooting the gf a text before i go out and I look up and see smoke coming up from below the tank. Not thick smoke, but enough for me to see it. Both sides.

I stared. fuck. I took off the tank and this is what I found below.

Pic 1-


Pic 2-


Pic 3-


Pic 4-


Now when I removed the tank, I noticed before I started to remove the fuel pump it was tripping gas a little bit (what's circled in pic 4) and knew something wasn't right because when I've removed it before it never did that. and I remove it the same way. I'm assuming i'm going to need a new wiring harness or figure what I just fried. I'm also thinking that gas leaked, got hot and fried the connectors.

My other question too is, pic 3 and 4 what's circled, that's where those hoses connect right? under the tank? that's where some gas came out of and when I pulled the tank off those weren't attached to the tank.

what are your thoughts?

Edited by Saacattack
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The tubes coming out of your tank you have circled appear to be vents. Follow the rubber hoses, its likely they lead to a charcoal canister, if so, that's where they go.

As far as your wires, you need to get the schematic and see what those wires are for, also your bike is supposed to pop a fuse before this kind of thing happens so check that you have the correct amperage fuses. My guess is either some wire rubbed against frame until it was metal on metal and shorted out, or some component like fuel pump malfunctioned and drew way too much power.

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I rode around two nights ago and everything seemed fine at the time. probably not since i've seen this now.

I'm in the process of trying to figure out what those wires are for. Blinkers, horn, head lights and brake lights work and the fans as well. but seeing the condition, i'm surprised my bike even starts.

as far as the amperage fuses, you mean making sure I have the right numbers corresponding with the right fuses?

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I've replaced the stater and rectifier twice already. about once a year. I tried OEM and now I have Ricks, so aftermarket. They wont change that for free. so i might have to just save up and get OEM stuff again so that way if that's what it is, It's done for free

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