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Buying A Craigslist Phone?


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My trusty G2 isn't so trusty anymore. It's held together with tape and superglue. The screen goes purple when you put any amount of bending force on it. it's old. I'm on T-Mobile, and they're plans are ever getting shittier.


Now they have "no contract" plans, but since I already signed a contract, and renewed it to lower my price... I'm stuck until november 2014. Buying from T-Mobile would not only be balls expensive, it would add to my bill. My "free upgrade" I qualified for vanished when they changed their shit around.


I plan to drop them asap. But, I need a phone that will actually load my apps.  How does it work to buy one on Craigslist? Will my contract have to renew? Will they charge me? I'm pretty wary of all the scams and idiots on there, so idk. 

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If tmobile uses simm cards its pretty easy. Buy a used tmobile phone, slap in your simm card and you're done. I worked with a guy that would 'upgrade' his phones at the bar via unsuspecting drunk college girls leaving phones unattended.

If there's no simm card, it has to be a tmobile phone with a clear esn or it has to be an unlocked phone, then you need to find someone who can flash it to tmobile network.

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Just a suggestion, kick TMO to the curb, they're bullshit x infinity and their 4g isn't the real deal....like AT&T.  


Go with a pay as you go set-up or maybe consider Sprint...no extra bullshit charges.  

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sprint is what i want... but i can't do shit unitl our contract is up... 


I'd say they're worth the wait...in the meantime they're building out their LTE network so it's just getting better.  

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sprint is what i want... but i can't do shit unitl our contract is up... 


ah.......how bad you want out? My name is legendary and I'm sure a few of my calls on are training videos for new employees at call centers on how not to get manipulated. 

Start calling every other day to complain. make shit up. dropped calls, you hear voices, you're getting echo's,  if you flush the toilet the bars drop to zero, no bars, you can't receive calls in your basement (my favorite as to date, no one mentions you can not get service in your basement in a call area) after a week, ask to talk to a supervisor as the low level minions can not help you. Do NOT bitch about the phone!! You love it after all.  Just the service!!! make sure who you talk to is recording it (ask, make sure they are keeping track of your calls)


rinse lather repeat and at some point after a week of this, ask if they are unable to fulfill your end of the agreement (you pay on time etc) you want out of your contract. 

They may offer a better phone to keep you on, or a new phone to resign a contract. dont waver, be polite.

I think the longest it took me with Verizon was 3 weeks. Then I went with ATT...then verizon purchased me back, and now I have verizon again..wtf..but, I have ATT's contract grandfathered in- 750 minutes, unlimited after hours weekends for...wait... 36 bucks a month! Two years now, no contract with with verizon they are stuck at that price. 

But persistent, pestering complaints will get you out of most contracts- they start losing money dealing with you. 


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Dude - idea for you -- if you still want to try another phone, there is a cell phone repair place in the Cross Point shopping center that also sells used refurbished phones. They do have some Tmobile stuff. They might even be able to fix your current phone. -It might be worth your while to take a look.


I bought a refurb from them and it worked out fine.

Edited by mello dude
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I forgot, if they start getting pissy with you, use these catch phrases, they have the power of words like shouting fire in a theater.

"did I call at a bad time" I said that as a smart ass one time and took notice of the reaction, I've used it many times since. AMAZING the reaction, its like you just called them by their first and last name, and mentioned their home phone number.

"do you have the authority to help me with this problem?"  Ask politely, no smart ass tone. you'll get them to straighten up, as NO EMPLOYEE wants to be recorded telling a customer  [even an asshole] they can't help them. same goes for the first one. 

If you can't understand them, this is tricky, apologize and say you are having a hard time understanding them, is there another person with...maybe a better....connection...you can talk to. There are some ghetto/hillbilly usa telehelpers and lots of overseas voices. last ditch on that one, I've had it mixed results getting someone more interested in kissing customer ass after that line

good luck

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