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since no one has posted it, yet:


STT is having a track day at Grattan, located in Belding, Michigan.


If you're able to get past the aversion for the scummy cesspool that is Michigan, Grattan is an amazeballs track.  Lots of elevation changes, technical corners, humps to jump or launch wheelies from, long ass straight, AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, I believe it's going to be run clockwise AND counter clock wise that weekend.


It will be on July 6 and 7th, I believe it's $175/day if you're not a member ($165/day if you are).


I'm fairly certain TRMN8TR and myself will be there both days (we will be watching the weather, of course).


Post up if you have questions, are going, not going, need to be convinced into going, etc.


link to STT site:



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Plan as of now is Craig and I rolling up too.  I just have to look at a few things, they just cut a lot of jobs here, and all of them in my department............  No bueno.  As of now I am in, supposed to call Craig this week to discuss.  If we come I believe we were going to bring the TH and hoped to get 1 more person from Cbus to come with to help with fuel costs etc.


I will post up after my wife and I do some discussing this week about what the future may hold for employment and finances with the kid 8 weeks out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plan as of now is Craig and I rolling up too.  I just have to look at a few things, they just cut a lot of jobs here, and all of them in my department............  No bueno.  As of now I am in, supposed to call Craig this week to discuss.  If we come I believe we were going to bring the TH and hoped to get 1 more person from Cbus to come with to help with fuel costs etc.


I will post up after my wife and I do some discussing this week about what the future may hold for employment and finances with the kid 8 weeks out.


Are you two still planing on going?  If so I'm interested in filling the third wheel chock for you.  I had a great time at Grattan last year and would like to go again.

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Craig is, but unfortunately, I cannot.  Just too much on my plate right now, my season from the looks is over.  Short one haha, but just spread too thin right now and with everything going on with our growing family, house, work, just can't get away anymore this season.


Sorry man, I wish I could trust me.  Grattan is amazing. 

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I knew that baby was going to come between us... Its only mid-third trimester, right? it is not too late to abort.

Haha, I can't post exactly why things have changed so much exactly, but there's been some serious changes at work, and the future is not as set in stone as I had previously been led to think.

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No penalty if you are a member according to the membership benefits.

I'll be there. Meeting up with some friends. Hoping for a good weekend. My first track day of the season. Looking forward to shaking out the cobwebs. My last one last summer ended with a mangled bike in the last session so looking for some retribution. CCW is the most fun-est ever!

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So yeah, not to be a party pooper, or anything, but basically Ch**e(my employer for those that know me) laid off over 2,500 people that are in my direct department in June alone.  I was on vacation, they fired the head of my department at our whole site, there are over 1,000 people under him, and he is the one that built our department from the ground up.  Shit canned him with no warning, no one at the site had any idea.  They shut down half a site in Tampa that they had just opened less than 1 year ago and shut down a full site on the east coast that was a few years old.


That being said, my season appears to be over and no idea what will come with work and my future employment.  Not a good feeling being 2 months out from the kid being here, but I have to save as much as I can, budget whatever is left over, and still manage to get the things we need to have/get done before he pops out.


I hope to still make a few more events after he is here, but if not, I do plan to be back next season for sure.  Wife and I already talked about it, and we don't have or plan any big expenses so long as he's healthy, and definitely should be able to save that huge tax return and use it for some track time.  


I hope you fuckers have a hella good time and I wish I could go but right now, my future with work is always questionable.  

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If some of you guys are on the fence, the Riders Discount Triumph Racing team (including Joey Pascarella) will be there with our 2012 and 2013 Triumph 675R's and the big rig if you want to come check it out.

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If some of you guys are on the fence, the Riders Discount Triumph Racing team (including Joey Pascarella) will be there with our 2012 and 2013 Triumph 675R's and the big rig if you want to come check it out.


Will you be doing test rides? :D

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welp, my 675 stalled out and wouldn't run at the last moto series round, so i'm not sure i'll be able to make this anymore. if i can get it fixed, i'd love to do this.  but we'll see if it's something that's within my power to fix.

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welp, my 675 stalled out and wouldn't run at the last moto series round, so i'm not sure i'll be able to make this anymore. if i can get it fixed, i'd love to do this.  but we'll see if it's something that's within my power to fix.


Less typing, more fixing.  :D

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