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Anyone using them regularly as a part of your fitness regimen?  I picked up a set off of Amazon along with some workout DVD's.  


I'm through my first week working on my technique/form with a 12kg (26 #'s).  They're definitely effective with respect to cardio and I can feel the workout especially in my legs with specific exercises.  


I am not, however, sure how they'll affect my upper body but it's still too soon to tell.  



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Ohhh they will... You'll have to go up in weight though as your stabilizer muscles strengthen... Also, I wouldn't only use kettlebells, I do some core lifts with bars as well. Idk what fitness regiment you're using however, Crossfit uses them a lot along with other Olympic lifts and high impact exercises. If ya want some fun stuff, look up kettlebell complex... Rough stuff out there ;)

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I'm going to have to try out the kettlebell complex workout and found one about 20 minutes long on Men's Fitness.  


I'm also still doing my push-ups and pull-ups along with some free weight exercises on my off days.  If nothing else, I have a new found interest in working out, again, so I can't complain about the soreness (yet).  

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Okay, I'm now into week 2 with the Skogg System and also have a Art of Strength Volume 1 for off-day stuff.  I started out a bit too heavy with the 26 # and went down to a 20 # to work on my form/technique....loving it, so far, and look forward to each workout.  


That is a real nice change in attitude from the past few years of barely working out.  

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Awesome man... Keep it up. I was working out religiously for about 8 months doing strength training and after a workout of the day (WOD). Then we had our 2nd kid and I couldn't go to the gym after work anymore. Everything I did in those 8 months, 5 days a week, has disappeared. Never let anything take that time from ya...

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I was borderline fanatical about working out when I was in my 20's-30's plus it came with being a soldier.  But, after I left the service I started to stray from any type of a regular routine when I reached my upper 30's and couldn't go surfing everyday (best workout ever) when I decided to leave Wilmington, NC and seek out better employment elsewhere. 


Fast forward about 10 years and it has caught up to me .  Add in a love for beer and well, it ain't pretty as I'm now in my upper 40's. 


I'm not pissed at myself - well, not too much - but I am tired of not doing the right thing with my health. 


Oh, and I've added a CrossCore 180 to my routine so that I have another option along with the kettlebells, The Rack, pull-up bar, free weights, and bands to utilize. 

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