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Can't watch the video cleanly (In a campground in Homer) but that is not suprising. The amount of intel they have to recieve would be staggering. All about the intel community's priority level they assigned to it. They can't freak out over each report.

Just a media source finding another leak (Old story in this case) that wants publicity and using them to get ratings off this story.

But yes, the Patriot Act is hugly powerful.

Edited by BDBGoalie
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Noted CIA 'asset' that was never an intelligence agent. Relative of Andy Card that was was also an anti war advocate. So delusional that two judges said she could not be forced to take her meds.

This is what you post? My thoughts are that she has been deemed to be crazy in court by at least two separate judges.

Even a cursory glance at google will show you this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Lindauer

Wiki is not always reliable but with this lady I am no sure what to say.

Do you really expect others to post thoughts or do you really believe this crap?

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Noted CIA 'asset' that was never an intelligence agent. Relative of Andy Card that was was also an anti war advocate. So delusional that two judges said she could not be forced to take her meds.

This is what you post? My thoughts are that she has been deemed to be crazy in court by at least two separate judges.

Even a cursory glance at google will show you this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Lindauer

Wiki is not always reliable but with this lady I am no sure what to say.

Do you really expect others to post thoughts or do you really believe this crap?


I'm flattered you have such a hard on for me. 

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Noted CIA 'asset' that was never an intelligence agent. Relative of Andy Card that was was also an anti war advocate. So delusional that two judges said she could not be forced to take her meds.

This is what you post? My thoughts are that she has been deemed to be crazy in court by at least two separate judges.

Even a cursory glance at google will show you this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Lindauer

Wiki is not always reliable but with this lady I am no sure what to say.

Do you really expect others to post thoughts or do you really believe this crap?



Casper posts stories that are interesting or peak his interest and the interest of other OR members.  If it doesn't interest you just move on like most people do... No need to be a douche Canoe know it all.  And Its pretty much Casper's forums so he can post whatever the F* he wants...

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There were other sources that decided 9/11 would happen. I don't think any of them knew exactly what it would be.

This: The WTC had been targeted before, it's logical that it would be targeted again....

The methodology was what was new, historically plane hijackers just redirected planes to a new landing zone with demands.

The patriot act is a big piece of shitty legislation passed during one of the worst parts of our recent history, by emotionally charged legislators and supported by a piss scared constituency... it needs repealed.

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