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Imagine this. It takes 8 years to discover that an employee is an illegal alien and social security figured it out. They is on it. Good job gubment. It wasn't even a stolen social security number, it was an invalid number.

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Not sure of any connections between the two. Only thing I've heard is some despair that the new health care only covers citizens. But I don't know if that is true or not.


Immigrants look like good hard workers. Appears to be an improvement overall. Now if we could just cut back on the free-loaders...

Edited by ReconRat
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When undocumented workers use false or invalid SS numbers, it actually boosts the fund. They can "cheat" the system and pay in under that number, but wouldn't be eligible to collect when the time comes.

Edited by magley64
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It goes into the general fund. Where it gets spent on mostly anything else other than social security.

umm, what? Where do you think most of the federal money goes every year.


in order

the 5 biggest expenditures of our federal government.


1. Social security

2. Defense

3. Medicare

4. Medicaid

5. Interest


Of course, this whole situation will work itself out after the baby boomers die off...

Edited by magley64
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yes... but.... the amount of social security funds available exceeds that which is paid out by a large margin.

That amount was borrowed and spent a long long time ago with a promise to pay it when it comes due.

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yes... but.... the amount of social security funds available exceeds that which is paid out by a large margin.

That amount was borrowed and spent a long long time ago with a promise to pay it when it comes due.

social security is a modified pyramid scheme, its not working right now because the baby boomers are at the top collecting, and there are too many of them. Once they die off, there will be enough people paying in to cover the ones collecting.
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I have seen the projects that social Security stabilizes somewhere in the future. Hope that's true.

Latest "sky is falling" would be a potential drastic increase in the average lifespan, from medical technology.

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