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"Poor n*gga never had a chance"


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93 Year Old Kills “Knock-Out Game” Thug
"She was waiting for the bus that would take her downtown. That is when everything changed for the worse. She was waiting at the bus stop and suddenly she felt the sharp pain on the left side of her body. The force was so strong it knocked her down. When she looked up she could see a group of thugs just laughing at her. One of them started kicking her. Before they could hurt her anymore she reach for her purse, pulled out her gun and shot the main assailant. Thankfully the rest ran away after that. She was terrified, she was sure they were going to kill her.
A homeless man who witnessed the attack told reporters that Bennett acted like a superhero. “I saw her get sucker punched from behind really hard. She hit the ground and then they all started kicking her. She got this huge gun out of her purse and BOOM! Headshot! Game over son, you know what I’m saying? Poor n*gga never had a chance.”






Bennett was robbed about a year prior to this incident. Her Attorney for that case prompted her to get her concealed weapons permit. She took all the required classes and received her permit shortly after. She said if she had not knows what that group of kids would’ve done to her.
Bennett was taken to the hospital with scrapes and bruises and was released later on that day. It is not clear yet if she will seek help, counseling or rehabilitation. She has considered teaching classes in gun safety. However, for now she is just happy she is recovering, alive and well. As for her 21 year old attacker, he was pronounced dead at the scene from a bullet wound to the head."
We all knew it was going to happen sooner or later.  Good for Grama!
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