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Safety Wire... Not just for the "A" group


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I think there was something on the track.  There was an orange colored bike that did a very slow high side just as he was leaving the frame of the video (about the :57 mark in the video) and before him a guy just tucked the front near the same spot and line.

Edited by r1crusher
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yeah, lack of safety wire pisses me off.  Especially on easy and basic stuff.


I had a guy on an R1 lose his oil CAP (not plug) while in front of me.  He couldn't be bothered to take 30 seconds and drill the plastic oil cap.


Like an idiot, I passed him instead of backing off and pitting in to avoid crashing.  When he finally got black flagged, he came in laughing about it, while the other rider who was behind me and I both wiped oil off our bikes and leathers.  At the time, I was willing to chalk his attitude up to embarrassment, but a year later when it came up on the NESBA forum, he continued to minimize the incident, and insisted that because he didn't have to add oil, it couldn't have been as much on me (and my friend Jeff) as we had claimed.  Dick move.


I'm planning to safety wire the plug and cap on the Katana for crying out loud...

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Reminds me of the Mid Ohio Race 6 years ago or so. Where a guy blew his motor and dumped oil right after the double Right hander going into Thunder alley (?) and  before the flags could fly a few guys went down. The whole hill side was running down to the fence waving their arms as Maladin and Spees Came through. luckily they slowed down in a WTF moment. Then after they got it cleaned up Maladin and spees both went off track going under a walking bridge. Apparently there some IDIOT decided to dump his cooler while on the bridge draining water onto the track.  

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Blown motors happen, and the belly catch pans are only good for so much oil before it spills. Racers knowingly live with the risk but things still happen when jackholes forget, or fail to care enough to wire shit in.

I've been considering the diaper pin/safety wire tether setup on our streetbikes just for peace of mind once we move to Intermediate trackdays. Just a good idea to ensure they'll not backout on the street too, and doesn't add THAT much hassle to oil changes. Plus it gives me an excuse to order some fancy pants predrilled color anodized drain plugs, caliper bolts, and fill plugs for our bikes :D

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Then after they got it cleaned up Maladin and spees both went off track going under a walking bridge. Apparently there some IDIOT decided to dump his cooler while on the bridge draining water onto the track.

Thats some bullshit right there, wonder if they upped security at the footbridge and hillsides where the fences are close to the track? I've not paid attention the last few years there, but we always walk the whole complex to see as much of the passing as we can and didn't notice any additional security at either side of the bridge

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