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Photo ID for Voters?

Strictly Street

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You tell them Pokey!  And to hell with food inspections and drug safety regulations!  Back off Nuclear Regulatory Commission - I can operate a reactor responsibly on my own!  And ef yu whoever said I can't store chemicals in leaky containers - there's plenty of groundwater to go around!  Go back into your hole, stupid job-killing FAA - you've made aviation too expensive by requiring mechanics and pilots to be trained and certified!  Government is for coddled loooooosers.


<For the record I'm not a fan of gun registration, but I prefer to deal with CHL holders because they've already been vetted.>


Yeah those inanimate objects called firearms are dangerous aren't they? ;) I will tell you what is really dangerous........law makers, especially law makers that are many times immune from some of the laws they create and enforce. Now considering the millions of responsible gun owners with millions of guns out there in the hands of Americans that we never hear about on all the 24 hour news channels, I would say we surely have a problem of epic proportions "sarcasm". Now when you mess with the water supply, food production and inspections of meat and produce, nuclear energy, and the thousands of airplanes that are in the air worldwide at all times carrying typically 100 plus passengers, and you do not have properly trained folks and the inner workings and facilitation of such being regulated.................MILLIONS WILL DIE. Big difference in that comparison huh? I am all about common sense laws and regulations for the greater good of all, but the regulation and registration of firearms and ammunition is not one of them. Millions punished because of the heinous actions of a few, and it is a few when you drop into that big bucket. When law makers do not have a real solution to a problem, they make a bullshit law that they honestly know will not make a bit of difference.......but hey they had to do something right? :) I have been a gun owner and hunter my entire life and have yet to have a single incident or problem related to so in any way, and I also have my CHL which I had to have so big brother would not throw me into jail for carrying on my person. So add me to the millions upon millions of Americans that did not need our government involved in my right to protect myself and enjoy the world of GUNS and the fun activities that goes along with that. I am unsure as to whether I will ever vote again, to be honest I have lost my faith in the whole process. I was buzzed pretty good when I posted earlier, I can tend to get rather colorful. LOL

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California to open facilities for illegal immigrants’ driver’s licenses

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is setting up new facilities to process driver’s license applications for illegal immigrants.

Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill, AB 60, which will allow illegal immigrants to obtain the documents beginning Jan. 1, 2015.




Interesting turn of events.

Edited by Strictly Street
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am unsure as to whether I will ever vote again, to be honest I have lost my faith in the whole process. I was buzzed pretty good when I posted earlier, I can tend to get rather colorful. LOL

I agree with your scale argument, and because of that logic I desperately wish the Teapublic would actually come out and say they support some... ANY level of government. As it stands, they've been against everything, and seem to refuse to go on record supporting any social benefit or corporate control, which tells me they're no more qualified to govern than an anarchist.

Every national candidate I've voted for has been a disappoint to me to various degrees, but nonetheless I vote, especially for local issues. Locally, just a few hundred votes decide fire, ems, library and education funding, with real effects on taxes and property values.

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Oh just get an RFID chip in your arm mags. Check in every time you do anything, buy anything go anywhere.

That's not necessary. Use a credit or debit card and that problem is already solved for you.

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