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Ok, this is creepy


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Think of it like this. Assume God is infinite and God created everything, time and space. Without God, there wasn't time. Think of time as a tangible object like a bubble that God holds in His hands. He can see where the beginning of time is and where the end is because its sitting right there in His hands. We are Inside that bubble because we are finite and limited TO time. God is not. God is outside of time. Therefore nothing came BEFORE God because 'before' assumes time.

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Think of it like this. Assume God is infinite and God created everything, time and space. Without God, there wasn't time. Think of time as a tangible object like a bubble that God holds in His hands. He can see where the beginning of time is and where the end is because its sitting right there in His hands. We are Inside that bubble because we are finite and limited TO time. God is not. God is outside of time. Therefore nothing came BEFORE God because 'before' assumes time.

Why would I pull assumptions out of my ass?

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It wasn't for you it was for Nick. You have something else in there blocking the assumptions from departing your anal area.

:lol: sorry I didn't see his post in reply to mine the way my window was sized. I thought it was in response to my response to him.

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Think of it like this. Assume God is infinite and God created everything, time and space. Without God, there wasn't time. Think of time as a tangible object like a bubble that God holds in His hands. He can see where the beginning of time is and where the end is because its sitting right there in His hands. We are Inside that bubble because we are finite and limited TO time. God is not. God is outside of time. Therefore nothing came BEFORE God because 'before' assumes time.

interesting concept.

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interesting concept.

Time is finite as a result of our or gods consciousness in my estimation therefore if no one is aware of it then it does not exist. If there is a god then time exists because he is aware of it before we were here and after we are gone. Time can only be infinite if god is infinite. I will probably be wrong but that is my two pennies.:cool:

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Because only the uneducated make that claim. The theory is actually that humans and apes probably share a common ancestor. It's called speciation...

Hmmmm. Darwin. Einstein said he was an idiot.

I agree that species may adapt to their local environments, but show me one species that has "evolved" in the written record of man. If evolution takes place, wouldn't one see it in action? Or did it just simply stop......with the death of Darwin.

If this belief is necessary for "Higher learning" then I guess I'll just stick with my own library.

Oh, I do believe that so I guess I'm just an uneducated hillbilly bumpkin. Mensa was boring anyway.......The geeks kept stealing my pocket protector.:D

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Hmmmm. Darwin. Einstein said he was an idiot.

I agree that species may adapt to their local environments, but show me one species that has "evolved" in the written record of man. If evolution takes place, wouldn't one see it in action? Or did it just simply stop......with the death of Darwin.

If this belief is necessary for "Higher learning" then I guess I'll just stick with my own library.

Oh, I do believe that so I guess I'm just an uneducated hillbilly bumpkin. Mensa was boring anyway.......The geeks kept stealing my pocket protector.:D

Well since all you have to do is Google it to see you're wrong...I guess Mensa isn't the best and the brightest...

It's science. Theories are based on evidences, not pulled out of thin air. Belief has nothing to do with it.

Here's a basic Wikipedia article with references at the bottom that lead you to other research and peer reviewed material.


Also here's the one for evolution that has nearly 200 references at the bottom for you to follow to hearts content.


Or you can just stick your fingers in your ears (eyes?) and go nah nah nah nah nah nah

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Hmmmm. Darwin. Einstein said he was an idiot.

I agree that species may adapt to their local environments, but show me one species that has "evolved" in the written record of man. If evolution takes place, wouldn't one see it in action? Or did it just simply stop......with the death of Darwin.

If this belief is necessary for "Higher learning" then I guess I'll just stick with my own library.

Oh, I do believe that so I guess I'm just an uneducated hillbilly bumpkin. Mensa was boring anyway.......The geeks kept stealing my pocket protector.:D

evolution is a rather long process, also rather vague. i have only begun to explore this very concept, but going by the "written record" of man is a pretty one sided story. people didnt decide to write things down until the first ancestors of man started walking on two legs.

and secondly, how do you define the line from when a species hasnt evolved to one that has? would you say orangutans have not evolved? i do believe that would be an incorrect statement s orangutans as we know them have evolved from something similar to what the early neanderthals evolved from...

anyone want to evolve me a beer?

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evolution is a rather long process, also rather vague. i have only begun to explore this very concept, but going by the "written record" of man is a pretty one sided story. people didnt decide to write things down until the first ancestors of man started walking on two legs.

and secondly, how do you define the line from when a species hasnt evolved to one that has? would you say orangutans have not evolved? i do believe that would be an incorrect statement s orangutans as we know them have evolved from something similar to what the early neanderthals evolved from...

anyone want to evolve me a beer?

mmmmmmmm beer

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