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GSXR cutting out


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Problem appeared first at PIRC in the early warm up before races.  Went away entirely for the second warm up, races and the track day friday at Mid-O.  Monday rolls around and it is back for the first and second sessions then goes away entirely.  It seemed to only occur on the gas hard and not necessarily at any RPM.  If you watch closely the gauges flicker as well.


When it cuts out, it cuts out hard.  The only time I've felt something similar is on my street bike when the negative terminal on the battery came loose.  I'm checked it at Mid-O, but everything was tight.  Plan to check the ground and clean all the connections just to be sure. 


Any other opinions?



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Bank angle sensor? I know if you relocate them on a CBR and don't have it mounted right it will cause issues such as that.

Just caught the gauge flicker...check the gsxr forums for common bad sections in the wire harness.

Edited by dale-mac
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sorry, double post.


yeah, I'm using an annotori quick shifter.  Plan to do some basic stuff first, then disconnect if the issue persists at the next track day.


The gauge flicker may be the angle changing when the gas cuts off/on...not sure on that one.  The place I spotted it most was in the kink @13 seconds; however, the tach seems to "dim" too which makes me think it the angle changing. With the GSXR when the tip over sensor cuts out, you have to kill the bike and restart it, so I'm thinking it isn't the issue.

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Hopefully biker jesus understands I'll be riding this old POS for the remainder of this year at a minimum, might upgrade if I decide to get real serious about racing....but in that case, biker jesus needs to help me like drop 40lbs as well as find a new bike on the cheap.


Pretty sure the Annitori has a lifetime warranty against defects, so hopefully I won't have any issues there.

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