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greetings, from some pothole infested land of ruin and mayhem north of you.


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Having trouble editing my posts for some reason. I think it's the security settings at my work computer here. Sorry for any redundancies.

Thanks, guys!! It's funny, I have 2 bikes of my own, but I keep grabbing his to make little runs to the store and laps around the neighborhood. Everythings done on the bike, with the exception of the steering head bearings, which I have but haven't dove into yet, and the clutch kit, which should be here by Thursday. EBC plates and stock Yamaha springs, people have compained the aftermarket springs make the lever pull too stiff.

Still waiting for word from some of my family members about when they're able to do my daughter's birthday party. I'm trying to have it on a different weekend than the 27th like we had planned. I would really, really like to get down there one last time this season and ride with you guys.

I'm not aware of any connection, I could ask around. We're ramping up some production, ahem.

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Greetings 5axisrider, from some pothole infested land north of YOU. My wife is from Columbus so I like to take my bike along on family visits there. Wish I could make the Epic Ride but chance of getting any time off work are slim at best (middle of a plant expansion that is months and tens of millions over). My bike is for transportation only as I can't enjoy the roads here in Michigan.

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