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We 'uns leafy thang

Unk Greg

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Didn't organize the annual Leaf Tour. Retired from organizing and the leafies ain't cooperating...not turning the usual time. So we'uns went on our own thing.

Here's the route...y'all can pick a spot on yer own to connect to this routing.

Leaving scenic Killbuck, traveled USR62 to SR83 and south to Coshocton, nope not Roscoe this time...went to Bob Evans instead (near Roscoe) left from there on 16/83 and left at light following 83 south.

83, 208(?) and 93 open again. We stayed on 83 south thru New Concord (where 83 was closed, but not anymore) and continued on past SR146 (Cumberland?) and that was my alert flag....staying on 83 south looking for and to SR284....headed back north on SR284 and back to 146. If I do it again....I'd run the route reverse direction as there was a difficult right hand uphill hairpin for newbies at the turn off from SR83 onto SR284.

SR284 has very few side roads houses or traffic....you do come behind the Wilds, a back entrance maybe(?). We saw a herd of buffalo from 284. Nice panoramic views, again should run it the other direction for better view. Took 146 into Zanesville and picked up SR666. Itz open again too. Ran 666 to Dresden and went over to SR60. For you Kershocton and/or Tusc Co. peeples you can go straight at the end of 666 onto 208 or was it 209?....go straight at the stop sign and follow that road back to SR93 and SR83, then yer own way back to wherever.

We'uns went out to 60 from Dresden. Under SR16 and 60 to Warsaw. The Spring Mtn. CR22 to CR19 way back to Killbuckia.

Columbus folk, y'all could do 16....or boring i70 to SR83.....or how about.....USR62 to Martinsburg and 541. Take 541 to Tunnel Hill and SR60 or..... Just stay on 541 to Coshocton and pick up 83 from there....or....

Go-fasts you will see yer part easily. SR83 and SR284 sparsely populated and twisty....very nice road.

Bye fer now....happy Holidays, should I not get back on for awhile.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Oh, and momma's new cruiser doesn't have ABS, I thought the black Spirits had ABS....nope, a deer jumped out in front of her from the dense woods....skidding and left black mark on pavement from rear tire...releasing brake just at the right time to catch it...Nice job momma! Several more deer later just past Dresden....we pulled up and waited as the parade went by.

Did I tell ya not to be out near dusk around here?

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This is a very nice route...I will run it again, 'Cept in the opposite direction. "Fast" wants to do it next weekend if weather permits. Could be a threesome for we'uns....Blackbird to scrub in new back tire, bought a dual compound, Fast on his Ducati....although he tole me he just got a pristine ZX from 90's (?) and Jim on the Busa.

Not many days left of decent weather. This was around 150 miles from my place and back.

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