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Maybe a career change


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I need advice from anyone who is in management or marketing.


I may get an opportunity to move to a more fitting position based on my interests within the company I work for now. I need a few questions answered before I decide to follow through with anything aside from research.


Is marketing a lucrative career in a large company?


Is it more lucrative than say, a mechanical engineer?


Are there any guarantees if you pursue an internship to stay with that company?

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Internships are absolutely the way to go if you can afford it. They poise you well for a permanent spot and advancement. That being said..."what have you done for me lately?"....that is how marketing folks are perceived and valued.

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describe your current mechanical engineering work

describe the would-be management and marketing work


in percentages (or actual numbers if you're comfortable) describe the before and after pay

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Currently, I have more of a design role, with future opportunities to maybe advance if I finish my bachelor's degree.


Would be is a 3 month internship first, and then maybe an opportunity to advance in the division that I have more passion for.


I took a considerable pay cut to get the desk I'm at now, but I see my family a lot more than before and the drive is closer. I really can't find any information on salary info for the marketing or the job that I should be able to move into if I stay put.

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Engineering and marketing are at opposite ends of the spectrum in a left brain, right brain kind of way.


I would imagine the the average salary for an engineer is considerably higher than for someone in marketing, but it would depend on the actual position. 

Edited by Tpoppa
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