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Annual LocalRiders Winter Solstice Ride to Serpent Mound--Sunday 12/21


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Heading east to Serpent Mound and back.  Annual tradition to chase the cold weather away so we can ride in shorts and flip-flops the rest of the winter.

Probably be some old, fat, bald guys dancin' nekkid on the observation tower.  Hopefully find a few virgins to sacrifice, too.
We tried it last year and it sure as hell didn't work…..but when you can have that much fun ridin' yer scoot, freezin' yer nuts off, dancin' nekkid and chasin' virgins, why not do it anyway.
Meet-up is at the Cracker Barrel…. iiiiiinnn MILFORD!!!!  Right off Rt 50 and 275.  Kickstands up sharp at 11 AM.  Wear warm stuff….bring a virgin, if you know of any.
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Duct tape?  Back of closet?  Close the door?  I heard that works for awhile….


OK, OK, I'm just kidding.  Sorry you won't make it, but it'd be a cold bitch coming down from Dayton this morning.


I'll do the wiggle dance and shake my ass at the Mound for you and have a nip o' Crown today.  :)

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Wow!!! Great day with a big turnout.  I didn't do an official count, but I'd bet there were close to 20 riders that headed out from Milford.  First things first:  Kudos to Scott Hyflyer for taking the lead and showing the group the backroads of the east side of Cinti on both the ride out and the return.  Couldn't have done it without you!!!  :thumbsup

There were lots of guys I've never met and didn't get to speak with individually, so I won't try to name everyone, but both LocalRiders and Assfault Junkies were well represented.  There was the usual swarm of WeeStroms--at least 5 that I counted--plus the typical suspects riding a couple of BMW twins, a Duc MS, at least one KLR, an FZ6, a vintage Wing, a couple of Connies, and a few others I can't quite remember.  The morning was DAMN COLD, but the air warmed up enough to make the return trip a bit more tolerable.
I left the house about 9:30 and took CC/RR Hwy to Montgomery and then wiggled thru the back roads in Indian Hill--just about bought the farm on Kugler Mill Rd when I found some of that black ice BC was hatin' on yesterday--and snuck into Milford the back way.  Finally got home about 3:30 after covering just about 200 miles.  Grabbed a tall glass of Crown whiskey and went to sit in the sauna for about 30 minutes to thaw out when I got home.  :beer
Here's some photo-documentation that proves there are folks crazy enough to think riding in sub-freezing weather is fun….
Suiting up at Cracker Barrel…iiiiiiinnn Milford!!!
At the Mound…
Glissom was definitely in the holiday spirit…
Scott was warning us we had to make a break for it quickly, as the Wiccan's were beginning to outnumber us…
Bannister is planning on buying a Ural to go with his hat, as soon as he grows up….
...and NO!!!  Woody (prickbastardthatheis) didn't feel like sharing ANY of HIS holiday spirit with the rest of the group...
The reason we rode today….
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