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Gun Control PSA Urges Teens to Commit Multiple Felonies


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Do you guys see what happened AGAIN? The thread turned into another one where Duane is at the CENTER of it, and the topic has now squirmed through several subject changes in an attempt to avoid being pinned down by his own logical fallacies, not the least of which exposes callously enhanced risk factors to fellow OR riders. There isn't much left except name calling at this point, because he's so goddamned stubborn, he'll end up killing one of us before he'll admit to texting and driving being wrong, wrong, wrong. That is, unless he's punking us, which honestly I'd prefer because if it's my daughter that dies traversing a country road at his hands, I will personally hand-bury a fucking blade so far up his crotch, he becomes human change purse.

STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. He likes to play contrarian - he feeds off of it. A little is fine - we all have our quirks - but he won't grow out of it while we keep rewarding his behavior with attention. He fails to respect the boundary between intellectual debate and ego satisfaction at other's expense, and as far as I can tell he doesn't really care, so there's little value the rest of the OR community gets out of it in the transaction.

Seriously, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL so he can discover better ways of interacting online, or somewhere else to throw elbows.

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Bubba quote: "The reason he doesn't go with the majority isn't simply due to a perverse inclination to argue--as far as I can tell from reading his posts, he's pretty much firm in his anti-gun/anti-conservative posts.  The fact that the majority of posters on OR are staunch gun rights advocates is the main reason he always seems to be espousing an opposing viewpoint.  He may be in the minority here, but he's got a right to his opinions, and he's stuck to them--blindly or not--in the face of ridicule and criticism on this forum"


Last I checked....being a gun right advocate is no different than being a right to free speech, right to choose your religion, right to be free from unreasonable search/seizure .....I believe it is called the BILL OF RIGHTS.....you know...the Constitution.....the thing that makes this country great.  What I don’t understand is how people want to choose just certain parts of it and not all of it.  Sort of like let's only obey the laws we like and not the ones we don’t.  Everyone has every right to their beliefs, just don’t try to take mine away from me and that goes for my rights as well.  Personally, I am not a fan of ANY radical or extreme on one side or the other, whether if be RIGHT/CONSERVATIVE or LEFT/LIBERAL or even RELIGIOUS.  The old saying that TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS USUALLY BAD rings very true here.  I have always been more of a middle of the road type person that likes much of both sides but none of only one side.

Oh and that statement....preverse inclination to argue......pig in the mud, pigeon on the chess board,  IMHO

Edited by myhondas
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Do you guys see what happened AGAIN? The thread turned into another one where Duane is at the CENTER of it, and the topic has now squirmed through several subject changes in an attempt to avoid being pinned down by his own logical fallacies, not the least of which exposes callously enhanced risk factors to fellow OR riders. There isn't much left except name calling at this point, because he's so goddamned stubborn, he'll end up killing one of us before he'll admit to texting and driving being wrong, wrong, wrong. That is, unless he's punking us, which honestly I'd prefer because if it's my daughter that dies traversing a country road at his hands, I will personally hand-bury a fucking blade so far up his crotch, he becomes human change purse.

STOP FEEDING THE TROLL. He likes to play contrarian - he feeds off of it. A little is fine - we all have our quirks - but he won't grow out of it while we keep rewarding his behavior with attention. He fails to respect the boundary between intellectual debate and ego satisfaction at other's expense, and as far as I can tell he doesn't really care, so there's little value the rest of the OR community gets out of it in the transaction.

Seriously, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL so he can discover better ways of interacting online, or somewhere else to throw elbows.

I agree.....think that was what I was trying to say in my first post....JUST IGNORE HIS POSTS.....(you'll notice that I have not directly responded to any of his posts) just to others about him.

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Speed kills more people than distracted drivers do, so check your mirrors.

Also, come out here and drive down my roads. If a 12 yr old can pilot a combine down these roads, I can manage to multitask without coming close to hitting anyone or anything in my camaro.

No. Its the sudden stop shifting organs, organs being crushed, organs being sliced open from debris or blood loss that kills...not speed dumbass

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