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Biker down on 71


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That thing had Zero plastics, no front end, and no gas tank... WTF...

Front end is still there... It's called it flipped and flipped and flipped and... I've done that and the only thing left on was the tank. And it looked like someone did a Mexican hat dance on it...

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There's something surreal about seeing a bike down - I remember after I wrecked I just kept staring at my bike. haha, just weird seeing it from that perspective I guess.

Glad the guy is OK - I've seen 2 sportbikes pulled over this week at 71-N and 270. Wonder if this accident has them increasing their presence.

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Every year when the weather turns..its the same thing with the cops. They come out in full force for a month or two. Never fails..especially here in Cleveland. I see three times as many cops in the AM on the way to work, and then home around 6. After a month or two, they go back to normal.

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That bike actually doesn't look that bad. My boy did a 12'oclock when his throttle 'stuck' and flipped his Gixxer leaving the parking lot of Applebees at the AMA's last year in mansfield. It looked worse than this.

HAHA... Throttle Stuck. the most used excuse for wrecking a bike... Amazing how those throttles all unstick during the crash... :rolleyes:

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That bike actually doesn't look that bad. My boy did a 12'oclock when his throttle 'stuck' and flipped his Gixxer leaving the parking lot of Applebees at the AMA's last year in mansfield. It looked worse than this.

I know that place. Better excuse would have been people can't drive there and it was someone elses fault.

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HAHA... Throttle Stuck. the most used excuse for wrecking a bike... Amazing how those throttles all unstick during the crash... :rolleyes:

We actually call it douche throttle. As in "The guy used too much douche throttle..."

Or, "Lookie at the squid who thinks he's a stunta. Douche..."

My personal favorite: "Guy came back from the races and thinks he's Mladin. What a douche."

Or the classic: "Douche."

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A friend of mine who also drives a towtruck, picked that bike up. Said he was going over a 100 mph and came up on the car to quick to change lanes, while attempting to pass. He said by the way it looked, he couldnt believe the dude was still alive.

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