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Giving a shout out to anyone in my neck of the woods...early April


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I wound up getting the mower out on Sunday after charging the battery Friday and Saturday to make sure it was ready to go this season.  I also pulled the forks off the new race bike with the hopes I'll be able to send them off to get new seals, springs and proper valving soon.  I did manage to take a late afternoon ride across Tri County to 247 south to 125 east to 136 north back to the house.  Just to shake out the cobwebs.  Was nice getting back on the bike again and I have a bit more maintenance to do on the old girl.  Seals a still leaking just a tad and she needs a new chain possibly.  I'll have to give her a good cleaning and see what else she might require since her long slumber.


I'm glad I mowed on Sunday also because the landscapers showed up to do their spring maintenance/clean up. :D

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Well, r1crusher and I got to take a quick spin on Friday afternoon.  It was a fun time.  Great guy too.  The rest of us should plan a ride, whether it is short jaunt or half days ride, whatever and just show the rest of the Southern Ohio area that sportbike riders can be nice people and not the stereotype young punks.


Thanks again r1crusher for getting together.  This year is going to be an epic year of riding...at least I hope so.


If anyone is serious about meeting up with me and others, PM and I will give you an alternative way to reach me.

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Thanks, Bob!  It was certainly good to get out with you and take a spin.  You'll get used to the bike, it's just seat time that's needed but you'll get there.  I certainly wasn't really pushing things even though it might have seemed that way.  LOL!

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Yeah, r1crusher was crushing it in the curves.  I am not even close to being in the same league of sportbike riding as he is.  I felt like ol' grandpa trying my best to catch up on the straights.  LOL  I really need to do a trackday or two to really fully understand how to ride a sportbike which is so different than other bikes I have had/ridden in the past.  Needless to say I have some well defined chicken strips, for sure.  This thing just goes and is happiest when it is going.  I am still amazed that our government (USA) hasn't banned these types of bikes from being on the streets. 


Thanks again and look forward to many more rides this season.

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Sounds like a plan brother. Can't wait. I'll introduce you to some more technical twisty routes the next time we're out and about. I am curious of how you'll crush them too.

Edited by OhioBob
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