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Eating high fiber cereal for breakfast reduces risk of death by 19%... Wait, what?


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Spikes happen. If you knew dick about diabetes you'd know that your bg will spike even in non diabetics. Spikes trigger the pancreas to produce insulin and then bg goes down to normal in a non diabetic. Hour to hour or even day to day bg numbers aren't that important. What's important is the hba1c. The amount of glucose that builds up on your hemoglobin over the 3 month lifespan. See, it's not spikes that cause damage, it's chronic hba1c percentage above 7. That's what causes nerve, eye, kidney and arterial damage.

Actually a constant flow of carbohydrates regardless with fiber or not is what causes arterial damage also known as heart disease. It happens when the cholesterol responds to the all the sugar in your blood from eating carbs turns into a type b ldl. Small and dense and builds up in arteries.

When adding fats, even saturated fats back into the diet and eliminating carbs to around 100 per day. HDL shoots up and LDL may also go up. But the important thing is LDL switches to a large fluffy pattern that does not penetrate arterial walls, but is rather easily carried back to the liver by HDL.

Oh did you know that HDL and LDL are not actually cholesterol but rather carriers?

LDL takes cholesterol to damaged arteries and other cells. After cholesterol does its thing HDL carries the used cholesterol back the the liver.

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You mentioned arterial damage. I posted what actually causes it. Keep believing what the doctors tell you. It's not like if you make a life style change and get off the medications the keep getting paid...

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I'll have to bring that up with my homeopath the next time I see him.

Agreed. And make sure you pick up some cleansing essential oils and Quartz necklaces to prevent cancer while you're at it. Because they wouldn't give advice that keeps them in business.

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Lol yes, then I'll stop by the church where grown men speak gibberish and heal me with faith.

If none of that works, then it was just your un-salvageable, wretched soul that deserved the malady. You just didn't commit enough of your faith, and those toxic worldly possessions, towards your own transcendent salvation. There's a devil inside you boy, and we just might have time to save your soul with the requisite commitment from you. Can I get an amen brutha?!

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Ok reverend. How much to save me from eternal fire and pineapples up my ass?


Let's start with your bikes, cash savings and left nut for ascendancy to level 17, then we'll talk again.  BTW we price match Moonies, Scientologists, Hare Krishnas and Mormons if you're comparison shopping.

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