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NKY Ride--Friday, 5/1, @ 9 AM, 200 Miles of Twisty Goodness!


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The route itself is approximately 203 miles, all back roads.  Ride time is calculated by GoogleMap based on posted speed limits, so the suggested time may be longer than our actual ride time….or not, depending on the group's pace.  The ride time does not include stops for fuel or food; that would be additional.  There are short-cut options we can take to save time if we're running slow.


Meet-up in the morning at the McDonald's on KY17 at the I-275 Exit 80 interchange at 9:00 - 9:15 AM.  Kickstands up promptly at 9:30 AM.  There are several gas options available along the route, with the most convenient at the Thornton's next to the McD's in the morning and at the Williamstown exit at about the mid-point of the ride.  There are fast-food lunch items available here as well..  The end of the route is at Petersburg Exit 11 on I-275 in KY.  You will have to calculate your additional mileage and riding time from the start/finish point of the route from/to your house.  If the map links below don't work, cut and paste them into your browser.


Morning route (starts at I-275 Exit 80 in KY, east of I-75):  https://goo.gl/maps/orz52

113 mi/approx 3.25 hr


Afternoon route (ends at I-275 Exit 11 in KY, west of I-75):  https://goo.gl/maps/nE6mp

90 mi/approx 2.5 hr


I'll throw out a few typical ride cautions.  If you're an experienced rider, these will sound trite and unnecessary; if you're a relatively new rider, please take them into serious consideration.  These are rural, two-lane country roads with all the normal dangers of an urban street along with the added dangers of poor pavement, gravel, challenging corners and terrain/elevation changes, domestic animals, livestock (yes, I've encountered both cows and horses in the street) and farm equipment.  Please make sure your bike equipment, especially tires, drivetrain and starting system, are in good working order.  You are responsible for controlling your bike--ride at a pace that is comfortable and safe for your abilities and within your skill limitations.  In the unfortunate event of an accident, you are a long way from emergency assistance!

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Bumping this up for great weather!!!  If you believe the TV "meaty urologists"….the forecast says sunny and 70* tomorrow.


Probably be 1 or 2 more folks from the LocalRider Cinti crew along, too.

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