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Which Comic/Fantasy movie are you most excited about???


Which most excites you/Will be the biggest hit this summer???  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which most excites you/Will be the biggest hit this summer???

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Which one do you think will be the biggest "Blockbuster"????

I enabled multiple answers if you have a different answer for both questions. Be sure to tell which is which in your reply below.

I'm leaning towards Iron Man at this point, but I've not seen any trailers for Batman of any substance......Mostly just voiceovers by Michael Cain & Heath Ledger

Here's the link to the other thread that inspired this one..............


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Ironman hands down will easily be bigger than any of the others listed. I think the only one there that has a chance at beating it is the new Narnia flick.

I'm also looking forward to seeing Hancock with Will Smith. Definitely looks a like a fun one.

The last Hulk sucked and so will the next one. :D

I have high hopes for Speedracer, but I have a feeling it will be a let down for some reason.

Batman looks alright, but the I'm getting tired of all the films. Almost none have been as good as the first and second.

Narnia will be a fun one to see with the kids. That first was pretty cool.

Forbidden Kingdom was a great film that not enough people will go see unfortunately. It was fun enough to go see the first time that we are considering going back to the theater to see it again.

There's other movies I'm really looking forward to see late this year and next year: Flash, Justice League, Green Lantern...

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I have high hopes for Speedracer, but I have a feeling it will be a let down for some reason.

Yeah.....from the trailers I've seen of that one, looks like pretty much the whole movie is either CG, or shot against a green screen

Batman looks alright, but the I'm getting tired of all the films. Almost none have been as good as the first and second.

I agree with what you're sayin', but I thought Batman Begins rocked....Brought the franchise back to legitimacy

There's other movies I'm really looking forward to see late this year and next year: Flash, Justice League, Green Lantern...

Ewwwww.......Not sure if I'd heard about this one. Linky???

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Oh, I voted for "hookers".

Fonzie, you sure you're not a member of bikeland? Making "hookers" as an option makes me think that. They always do that over there.

What's this Bikeland you speak of white man??? :lol: Nahhh.......the BlackBird site I hang on, that's standard operating procedure........Any poll has to have "Hookers" as the 4th option, or it's declared an "Invalid Poll" ;)

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Ewwwww.......Not sure if I'd heard about this one. Linky???

I'll see if I can find links but all three are supposed to be separate upcoming movies.

Flash - The character Flash is supposed to be played by the guy that plays Green Arrow on Smallville.

Green Lantern - GL is played by Common from what I've read. One of my favorite characters, but I don't have high hopes for this movie.

Justice League - this movie was placed on hold. Probably because the cast that was slated for it sucked ass.

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