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Pic 4 Us Geeks

RC51 John

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I remember when a 256k hard drive was top of the line.

Anyone remember the TRS-80 or the Apple IIe? How about the Commodore 64?

Technology is moving so fast that it's actually scary. Can't wait until they get the sockets for your head so you can just plug in to the internet and don't even need a keyboard.

I've been keeping up....as I am kinda a techno geek myself. I hear that they are working on a new storage medium which is a crystal cube about an inch square. It could hold the entire Library of Congress on one cube.

Hang on, gonna be a fun ride.

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this is kinda off topic but kinda relates:

you remember the old super computers that took up like rooms back when the computer was first thought of, well they had a huge issue with static electricity. like a woman with a nylon bra would walk into the room and touch the computer and fry it shit like that. well a guy who lives just up the street from me is the on who designed the anti-static flooring for GE way back when. he actually designed it on his own time messing around in their labs on his free time. realized what he had accomplished and walked in one day and pretty much said i got you solution here it is now pay me.

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