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New albums that sound good on mid fi audiophile gear


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I've got a pretty good audiophile system 2.1 (bookshelf speakers + sub) and a few of the world's best headphone systems.  I like albums that keep your attention, are somewhat cohesive from beginning to end, and are well produced (dynamics, good imaging, etc...).  I've found a couple albums that I really enjoy lately, and figured I'd mention these albums, and maybe get some ideas on my next albums to pick up.  Oh yeah, I have a CD player (that up samples).

Avenged Sevenfold: The Stage

I just picked this up and was very impressed.  I've seen these guys in concert and it's amazing.  Looking forward to getting to another concert based on this album.  It was a surprise release, but reviews are very positive, and the theme is artificial intelligence, space, and such.  It's 74 minutes, but I think I listened to it 3 times in a row.  It really is that good.

Following is some others I need to expand on later.

Muse: Drones

Muse: The 2nd Law

Blink 182: California

Weezer: The White Album

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I can honestly say I haven't purchased anything recorded in the last 5 years.  I'm not happy with the sound quality.  I have been buying a ton of older stuff though as the recording quality and the production value seems better to me.  Frack I'm getting old.  :(

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I've been a Devin Townsend fan since the 90s with Strapping Young Lad, but it may be a bit much for your ears if you don't enjoy extreme metal.....but check it out anyway, amazing stuff in it's day - and the band has a virtually timeless sound.   He's since done a lot of more rock oriented stuff with the Devin Townsend band/project - you may dig on it more as the vox is less abusive.


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I like what I've heard of the Devin Townsend Project stuff.  I'm going to have to see if I can find a CD.

For a while I was just getting CDs based on the producer.  I like what Nigel Godrich did for Radiohead's Ok Computer and Beck's The Information. 


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I've been considering upgrading (with bonus) my bookshelf speakers with something world class like the single driver/ crossover-free Audience The One, and stumbled upon the Rebecca speaker ($850/pair).  

The Rebecca, uses top notch components including a good size ribbon tweeter; it's definitely peaked my interest.  I currently have the $59/pair Dayton Audio B652-AIR, which have the air motion tweeters similar to the Martin Logan motion series.

I like Magnepans, but am limited to bookshelves for now.  Has anyone heard of the Rebecca speaker?



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