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Wow thanks for proving you aren't level headed... you called me a motherfucker, faggot, fucker and a pussy...real mature man. Any other board would ban you at this point between this and flaming Twitch...

Yeah real mature PM. No I don't want to put you in your place... I just made an observation that you seem to excuse riding at excessive speeds under various conditions...in my eyes, that makes you dangerous.

This was nice in the PM.."I'll meet you anywhere. We're close, remember? Let's ride asshole! The Finger" No thanks man..I'll pass.

I'm going to go the way of Twitch and bail on this board I think...

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Wow thanks for proving you aren't level headed... you called me a motherfucker, faggot, fucker and a pussy...real mature man. Any other board would ban you at this point between this and flaming Twitch...

Yeah real mature PM. No I don't want to put you in your place... I just made an observation that you seem to excuse riding at excessive speeds under various conditions...in my eyes, that makes you dangerous.

This was nice in the PM.."I'll meet you anywhere. We're close, remember? Let's ride asshole! The Finger" No thanks man..I'll pass.

I'm going to go the way of Twitch and bail on this board I think...

Did you not flame me first asshole? I maturely and mildly responded to your post and you called me out like you know me. Fuck that. You're a coward, you and Twitch Bitch. I'm fine until you try to show dominance over me...you won't win there. :dunno:

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Any other board would ban you at this point between this and flaming Twitch...

For being a potty mouth, or for agressivly stating his opinion and being an asshole at the same time? :wtf:

lol, hey man, I'm just stating my opinion and he busted my chops, so I fought back cuz it pissed me off. I'm a very humble person in person, I just don't take shit from people. I'm only an asshole when pushed. I've been nice to more people than I've been mean to in my life.

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You're right, we'll either do it in PM's or phone.

You know what's funny...is I'm 29, he's like 41. WTF? That's why he spoke to me like that is he think's because he's older, he can talk like that to me...shiiiiiiiiiit.

Okay...back on topic. Tragedy for sure. :(

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