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Excel to Word?????


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So i am doing a mass mailing for my business, and the company i purchased names and addresses from sent me an excel file with all the information. the only problem is that i have to do a mail merge to get them to a word file in order to print labels. does anybody have experiencee with this.

I am using windows vista business edition

any help is appreciated.

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Open the document you are mass mailing and it should go something like

Click the mail merge icon on the toolbar


Tools > Letters and Mailings > Mail Merge

then just follow the wizard. There should be a step that says something like "Use an existing list" that you can browse from and select the Excel spreadsheet to use from there.

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thats what i was trying to do, but it won't recognize the file, because i downloaded it. it only recognizes the saved word files on my comp. i tried to follow the wizard but that was no help. it wouldn;t find the file

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