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File attachments....


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Is there a way that you can make it so we can add attachments with out having to use places like Cardomain, Imagestation, places like that. It makes it easier I think. Hope this gets heard.
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However, I'd be interested in possibly hosting a server for everyone. I have a shitload of free webspace I'm not using. I wouldn't be willing to host movies and such, and pics and other misc attachments I would. I could set up something like imagestation. I could register the domain name www.crmedia.com or something like. Then we could have all of our pics in one place and anyone could host pics. I might have to end up charging a small fee for this to cover costs of bandwidth. I could even set up galleries so we could browse users pics they have posted. Comments??????
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by satan:

However, I'd be interested in possibly hosting a server for everyone. I have a shitload of free webspace I'm not using. I wouldn't be willing to host movies and such, and pics and other misc attachments I would. I could set up something like imagestation. I could register the domain name www.crmedia.com or something like. Then we could have all of our pics in one place and anyone could host pics. I might have to end up charging a small fee for this to cover costs of bandwidth. I could even set up galleries so we could browse users pics they have posted. Comments??????

We need something like this.
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