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Key west trip...didn't end as well as it started.


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Hey. Haven't been on here in a while, but got a story and question for you guys. Some guys and I planned a trip to Key West,Florida. 5 of us trailored the bikes to Daytona and rode from there. One buddy rode all the way from Ohio and met us in Ft. Lauderdale. Will post pics later. Not on my computer. Anyway, at the end of trip, the guy who rode the whole way down left thursday evening to go back home. On Friday at 1:15 in the a.m., he was a mile away from the campground he was going to stay at when he was rear-ended by a drunk driver. The impact through him off the bike onto the hood of the truck. The driver of the truck proceeded to drive 300 ft. with Isaac on the hood, then slammed on the brakes to make him fall off. A random passer by saw pieces of bike on the road and found Isaac's bike off to the side and Isaac in a ditch 300 ft. from where the bike layed. He was taken to St. Mary's in West Palm, Fl. and put on life support. Unfortunately, Isaac Alan Klosterman was pronounced dead Sunday morning. He was and organ donor and has already saved 3 lives with his heart, liver, and kidneys. The guys and I, want to get stickers made for our bikes, similar to the ohio riders ones and were wondering where they are made. We are also in the makes of trying to plan a ride in memory of him. By the way, a memorial service will be held on Saturday in Dayton Ohio for anyone who would like to attend. It would mean a lot to his family. I will supply more info on that when I get more.

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That sucks. I'm sorry to hear man. If I didn't already have plans for this Saturday, I'd ride down to the memorial service. I may still try.

As for the stickers, our sticker guy rocks. PM bornsinner on here. He can get you in touch with the guy.

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The drunk driver was tracked, by a trail of transmission fluid leaking from the truck, all the way to his house. He tried to hide the truck behind a trailer next to the garage. By the time the police arrived, he already had a lawyer preventing any interrogation. When they returned with a warrant, he had fled. The truck and Isaac's bike are in impound for evidence, but since the asshole has the right to a speedy trial, there is not enough yet to build a solid case. That will probably take 9 - 12 months.

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my grandfather was killed by a drunk driver... at 10 in the morning...

i was 7 and ever since then have always held a grudge against drinking and driving more than what they teach you back in health class and because of this i have never been an avid partier in high school or in college.

i am proud to be a designated driver for my friends.

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RIP man, I hope they stick it to the driver good, Vehicular manslaughter, Leaving the scene of a crime, DUI and I'm sure their's a few other good ones they throw in there just to make sure he never gets out. :mad:

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Horrible RIP. He will live on in the lives he saved.

I think the best punishment for this kind of thing is locking these people in a room with the family and letting them have justice. :boxing:

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Damn, my heart sank once you started saying his full name because I knew what was coming next.

Same thing I was gonna say.

Sorry about your buddy....I know how much it sucks :(

What a douchebag that driver is......first he flees & hides the vehicle, then lawyers up 'cause he knows he's a douchebag, then flees again. I agree with the idea of putting these assholes in a roomful of family/friends....Prison's too good for 'em!! That's if he even makes it there :mad:

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Thank you all for your support. Again would like to find out where to get stickers made. I messaged born sinner but no reply yet. Also, as I said before, would like to organize some memorial ride soon, to help raise money for his family on all the expenses this has cost them. Also want to make it annual, donating funds to a charity in the future, probably of the families choice. Was thinking something like 5$ a rider. If anyone interested in helping plan such a ride, or even if you have just and idea, please get in contact with me. E-mail me on this site or same username @yahoo.com..

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Thank you all for your support. Again would like to find out where to get stickers made. I messaged born sinner but no reply yet. Also, as I said before, would like to organize some memorial ride soon, to help raise money for his family on all the expenses this has cost them. Also want to make it annual, donating funds to a charity in the future, probably of the families choice. Was thinking something like 5$ a rider. If anyone interested in helping plan such a ride, or even if you have just and idea, please get in contact with me. E-mail me on this site or same username @yahoo.com..

sinner isnt quite the forum troll like everyone else here...be patient.

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The most important things are that a life was lost, and that 3 more were potentially saved.

I'm curious, how do you know the driver was drunk? It seems he was tracked down only after making it home and getting a lawyer, and then fleeing.

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