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If Toledo's any indication.....Indy Jones may bomb!!


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Was watchin' the local news last night, and several of the nice, new theaters were VERY sparse for the midnight showing of the new Indiana Jones movie.

I know they brought in Shia LeBeouf to try & pull the younger gen, but I wonder if they waited to long to revive the series...Almost 20 years??? It'll be curious to see how it does the rest of the weekend

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I actually liked Rocky Balboa.....kinda sad & poignant about how time moves on, & things change.

'Course, I think I'm older than almost all of you on here......Seems to be a large OSU/twenty-something contingency!! ;)

Now that last Rambo he did, held absolutely no interest for me.....Especially since they found out he's on the juice

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  fusion said:
We where talking about this at work earlier. None of us are eager to drop dough in a theater to see it.

Yeah.......I have 2 rules of thumb for getting raped at the theater.........

1) If I just CAN'T wait to see the movie on DVD

2) If the F/X look sooooo good, it's actually worth seeing on the big screen with surround sound

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Yeah, I haven't been to an overpriced/overrated theater in about 3 years. Probably only been 5x in the last 10 years! That's the truth too. I just wait for DVD and purchase them or rent them. I like watching movies in shorts with no shirt and shoes with a drink and no strangers all over the place.

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SOME movies are ONLY worth seeing in a theatre....

others are worse in a theatre...

"day after tomorrow" and "twister" were great in a theatre, LAME on a regular TV...

"borat" and "jackass 2" are ONLY funny at 1 in the morning drunk with your friends...

Indy looks like one of those movies that will be the same, either way...but i'm anxious to see it, so i'll probably spring for a matinee on a saturday or sunday one of these weekends...

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  magley64 said:
SOME movies are ONLY worth seeing in a theatre....

others are worse in a theatre...

"day after tomorrow" and "twister" were great in a theatre, LAME on a regular TV...

"borat" and "jackass 2" are ONLY funny at 1 in the morning drunk with your friends...

Indy looks like one of those movies that will be the same, either way...but i'm anxious to see it, so i'll probably spring for a matinee on a saturday or sunday one of these weekends...

You need a new, bigger tv and sound system.

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  kawi kid said:
this sucks to hear i wanted to watch it im a big fan i grew up watching it with my grandpa over and over

I haven't seen it Kiddo, so don't give up on it yet. I'm just sayin' what the news was showin' last night.

Got a friend on another board, who saw it last night, and he said it was alright

I just don't think they've done much marketing for such a big name/lineage movie. I just finally started seeing commercials within the last 2 weeks, and a lot of you twentysomethings with the disposable income were single digits when the last one came out, so I don't think they've done a very good job of building brand familiarity with you guys.

Marco Andretti's car is Indy themed, but that won't pay dividends to a national market until Sunday, when opening weekend's almost over


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Don't go and see this movie unless you have Forrest Gump's IQ, then you might be amused. Otherwise, watch the first one and realize that it will never be topped, ever. I just got back from watching this film, very disappointed but educated on how not to make a movie. View at your own risk...

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